It's as if there is a doxology on each and every page! -- Dancing Word Book Reviews THOUGH THE VISION TARRY
Journey from life-threatening abusive relationship
Aleathea Dupree2016-12-22T22:39:02-05:00Journey from an abusive, life-threatening relationship to a divine, beautiful one fashioned by a purpose-driven God …. Exceptionally poignant and timely! -- A. Williams THOUGH THE VISION TARRY
This book is amazing
Aleathea Dupree2017-01-03T16:40:43-05:00This book is amazing! -- RHINO FAITH Survey RHINO FAITH
good book for husband/husband-to-be love wife marriage
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T23:02:15-04:00For Singles Too! Most loving men want to please their wives, they simply don't know how. This is a good book that will enable any husband or husband-to-be to understand and love his wife better. The biblical references bring clarity to roles in marriages and how each spouse can be supportive of each other [...]
RHINO FAITH daily devotional
Aleathea Dupree2017-01-03T17:58:41-05:00Very succinct and usable as a daily devotional. -- RHINO FAITH Survey RHINO FAITH
A blessing from the first page
Aleathea Dupree2016-12-30T19:49:54-05:00I’m on the first page of Rhino Faith and it is blessing me already! -- L. Stewart RHINO FAITH