Every man should have a copy of this wisdom! Every man/husband must own a copy of Cheer Up Your Wife. I have read this very informative and motivational tool at least four times! My marriage was not in a terrible place but this book shows you the "little things" that many men overlook concerning their marriage/relationships and we [...]
Small amount of time easy to read devotional
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:19:54-04:00I really like the fact that what needed to be said was not dragged out. When I only have a small amount of time to read, it was easy to pick up this book and get what I needed for that day. -- RHINO FAITH Survey RHINO FAITH
Resuscitate dying struggling marriage improve good marrage
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:32:18-04:00The content is relevant, it's so easy to read, and the information is very practical. I truly believe that if the counsel in this book is applied, it will resuscitate any dying/struggling marriage and greatly improve even a good marriage. I can't say enough about this book! -- Amazon.com Review CHEER UP YOUR [...]
This book will change your life
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:23:57-04:00This book will literally change your life. This is a tool that will turn your prayer requests into practical realities. - D. Arnold RHINO FAITH
I needed faith like a rhino
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:21:23-04:00This book was right on time because I was going through a lot of testing and transitioning. I needed faith like a "rhino." -- RHINO FAITH Survey RHINO FAITH
Excellent quick easy and enjoyable read
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:13:13-04:00Excellent. Quick, easy, and enjoyable read -- Amazon.com Review THOUGH THE VISION TARRY
Divorced hoping to marry again
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:34:25-04:00I am divorced and looking to one day be married again. I must say, I wish this book had been around when I was married, but I am seeing where my marriage could have been made so much better, on both our parts. This book has really helped me and opened my eyes to [...]
Quick read life-changing book. Read book in a week!
Aleathea Dupree2016-12-22T23:52:49-05:00I read this book in approximately a week! It was so life changing for me and chapter 1 "Red Flags" really made me think. -- Amazon.com Review THOUGH THE VISION TARRY
Book for Christian singles preparing for marriage
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:39:58-04:00A solid biblical book for Christian singles preparing for marriage that delivers! This is a great book! I bought two copies, one for myself and my girlfriend, and also recommended this book to friends. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in establishing a solid biblical foundation for their relationship. That would be singles [...]
Book for a healthy happy marriage
Aleathea Dupree2017-05-19T22:42:21-04:00Every husband and husband-to-be who is serious about having a healthy, happy and godly marriage should read this book. You will receive great insight on the good thing that God has given and entrusted you with. You will profit greatly from this book. This book is marriage changing! -- G. Farmer CHEER [...]