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Your 2009

Started by David Dupree, January 01, 2009, 09:56:05 pm

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David Dupree

Hello DW users and readers. 

On behalf of DW and the support team I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year to all of you! 

With all of the things that happened in 2008, I am sure that no one doubts that 2009 opens with an air of expectancy!  There is an excitement of possibilities in the air.  Let me along with the many others you have tuned into encourage you in this year.  I am sure you have heard many of the pundits thematically identifying this year as:
"It will be fine in 09"
"I am getting mine in 2009"
"09 - the year we receive the fruit of the vine"
and the list goes on into
09 - the year of manifestation
09 - the year of release
and my personal one 09 - the year of the release of Power! :-) 

Whatever your theme, you should recognize that it is crucial that you stay steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; for your labor is not in vain.  One of the enemies tricks is to keep "us" the believers, off balance and off base or as my Father in the gospel would say, he wants to keep you off guard, which will take you off God. 

My brothers and sisters, this is a year where we have to make the song come to life--"I command my hands/feet/soul/mouth to praise the Lord!"  Stay Kingdom minded.  Stay focused, come what may. 

This may be a year you are exposed!  Will you be exposed as a true believer, a make believer or a fake believer?  Yes, we let the wheat and the tare grow together, but we seem to forget that only the wheat gets harvested.  And lest we forget that even when the wheat is harvested, there is even a chaff that the wind drives away.   

Will you be driven away this year by every wind or so-called doctrine? 

Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to be one of the Ecclesia, the called out ones, the ones who are ready to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. 

This year will not be a year to use the excuse, "it is just me and Jesus."  This year will be a year to walk it out with help.  Use your discernment, be prayerful, but let the Holy Spirit lead you to someone(s) that will be with you this year in prayer and in friendship.  The person who will let you continue in sin, rebellion, unforgiveness etc...that ain't the one.  The person who will barely listen and then just want to woo woo woo you...that ain't the one.  But the person who will listen and then commit your situation to prayer...that's the one.  The person who will call with a scripture or word of encouragement before hearing you say a word...that's the one.  The one who has something to strengthen you even though you don't seem to be going through anything, but they sense something down the road...that's the one. 

Remember 9 is the last single or ordinal number and therefore represents some level of finality.  Nine also is the number of the Holy Spirit meaning the number of Power.  (After that the Holy Spirit has come up on you, you shall receive power!...Acts 1:08). The coming of the Holy Spirit was the finality of Jesus' experience on earth.  Before He ascended, He breathe on the disciples and said receive ye the Holy Spirit.  John 20:22

I declare unto you that this is a year for the release of Power of God in your life.  I hope you heed to the above and do not miss your Divine appointment with the visible, manifestation of the Power of God in your life. 

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church.

I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"