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Started by aaaa, January 06, 2008, 01:25:56 pm

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i have been with my now fiance for several years.  we are getting married in a couple of months, but i have been feeling angry a lot.  this anger started a while ago (years) and comes and goes.  i have had a hard time placing it, but i think it is becuase he lies to me a lot.  he tells little white lies that make me feel foolish.  its like it is fun for him to fool me and see me walking away believing a complete non-truth.  sometimes i catch him, sometimes i don't.  he also tells some bigger lies which i won't go into now, and even though none of these lies are life altering, they make me feel belittled/insecure/not willing to trust or respect him.  i asked him why he does it and he said he doesn't know so we are going to premarital counseling.

is it possible he could being laying a foundation (subconsciously) for bigger lies later? i fear that later down the line he may get bored (which people so often do) and realize that he got away with the little lies earier in our relationship, so why not try a bigger one.  i feel that if someone can lie about the little stuff in such an easy and believable manner, what's gonna keep them from going bigger.  does counseling really help liers?

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