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December 27, 2024, 05:30:33 pm

I'm Soo Tired!

Started by SeekingTruth, December 18, 2006, 10:10:44 pm

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This is a first so I am not sure if I am in the right place.

I know there are many who bash the clergy and are negative - some deserving and many not.  I am new to the clergy; however, I've become a bit discouraged by the present day teachings.

With the sudden "onslaught" in the past few years of prophets, bishops and apostles I am noticing that the teachings are pushing believers/congregants to focus more attention on the words that come from them and connect to the them more than focusing on connecting with and to Jesus Christ. 

I am hearing of people being asked to do things because the prophet says to and to trust the word because a prophet says so.  I've heard some say, in teaching that you should bless your pastors even to when it hurts, that if you give a cup of water to a prophet in the name of a prophet, you will surely receive a prophet's reward.  However, I somehow read that scripture differently.  Can someone help with this one?

I've heard recently of a prophet/pastor who told his congregation that everything they need comes from him who received from God.  IS IT ME OR WHAT???? 

I've also heard recently of a Pastor who told his church that even if he continues to have accidents with the new car that they have purchased for him (they take on the monthly car note and insurance payments), which causes the insurance to increase, they should bear the pains of the extra burden because they are doing it to be a blessing to their pastor and God will bless them.

When I turn on the television, all I am hearing is the prosperity message and how much everyone has.  DON'T GET ME WRONG, I am not against God's people receiving prosperity in all areas, but it seems we've crossed a fine line.  I am sure this is a topic that has played here before, but I just needed to vent because if I mention my feelings to other clergy, I will seem to be complaining and not want to comply or to be speaking against the ministry and Pastor.  I want very much to be a blessing to the Kingdom and Pastor.  I believe that a workman is worthy of his pay.

I am just sooooooo tired of what appears to be a subtle fleecing of God's people.

Thank you.

David Dupree

Hello SeekingTruth and welcome to Deepwaters!!! 

Yes you are recognizing an area of contention within the Body.  Whether or not there is a fleecing going on with the persons to whom you are referring; I can't say.  But I can say this: there are always those who appear as sheep but really are wolves in sheep's clothing.  There are always those who will perform in Jesus' name and He has promised to tell them "I know ye not," on that great day. 

My prayer for you is that you strengthen your discernment so that you can rightly divide.  And when the wave of prosperity comes your way, ride it.  Maybe that teaching is not for you right now and you are fine financially and are quite wealthy.  Well, many around you are not...especially those of a darker persuasion.  There are so many socio-economic woes plaguing our communities, that there does need to be a message of hope.  This is not the 40 acres and a mule promise anymore. This is a promise of God that can be taken to task.  Sure there are prerequisites and conditions..and they should be taught too. 

And in the midst of our getting, we must get understanding. And in the midst of our getting we must remember it is still better to give than to receive.  And in the midst of our getting, we must understand that if it isn't for the sake of the Kingdom then it will vanish and disappear. 

Concerning the question you raised about the scripture, yes I do believe that it is easy to misconstrue the import of that text.  The giving to the prophet still has to be in the name of a prophet, so that all ultimate glory is not on behalf of the prophet but on behalf of Jesus.  Therefore the giving to the prophet in the name of a prophet should be for the Kingdom ultimately. 

Consider the story in II Kings 4:8-10.  The Shunammite woman perceived that Elisha was a holy man of God.  Therefore she talked to her husband about fixing a room in their house so that Elisha would have a place to rest when he was passing through.  She gave to Elisha...but it was as unto the Lord.  Notice that there wasn't any special word or miracle that Elisha had performed or building project she knew of or anything like that.  But she gave to the prophet.  He never told her that he didn't have a place to stay or any other options when he came through that town.  But she gave to him anyway. 

Now for those who declare that all the people need is in the mouth of the prophet..I won't comment because I don't know the context or pretext of why that was said. 
But I will say this.  The Bible says to study to show yourself approved....  As long as he says what God says in the Word, then maybe "all" did not mean "only".  Most houses of worship that I have visited inspire the parishioner to develop his/her own relationship. 

My suggestion to you is that you do not let the enemy sway you and pull you away from your purpose and your growth.  The enemy is subtle and will always attempt to focus you on other things so like Peter, you will begin to sink.  You must stay on point.  If the prosperity message is too much for you, then focus on those preachers preaching evangelistically or missions wise or discipleship teachings or something else that will not distract you.  You keep your focus on Jesus.   

And as a newcomer to the clergy...I admonish you to focus your messages on Jesus and not what other preachers are teaching or not teaching.  Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to you to say to the church. 

In the words of the hymnologist, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."
I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"


It's not just you. We are warned in the Bible not to "put God to the test" by doing foolish and presumptuous things, thinking that "Aww, whatever happens, God has my back." The pastor who drives recklessly and consistently wrecks cars the church purchases for him is being irresponsible. He needs to learn to drive more safely and not take the congregants for granted. Those folks have bills to pay as well.

I had some friends who got very deep into the whole "name it and claim it I believe it I receive it" doctrine. They were hungry one night, but didn't have any money. They went to a Shoney's Restaurant and ordered up their meals, including dessert. When it came time for the bill, obviously they didn't have the money. The waitress left to get the manager. There happened to be a couple sitting at a nearby table who witnessed the whole incident. Apparently, my friends were now at the table praising God and saying how they believed the manager would show them favor and let them go without paying.

The husband and wife came over to the table and said to them, "We know you all don't have any money, and we are going to pay your bill. However, don't you ever do anything like that again. Don't go anywhere and order up stuff, knowing full well you're broke, talking about Jesus will pay for it. Don't you know the manager here could have you all arrested for pulling this kind of stunt?"

They apologized and thanked the couple for paying for their dinner.  You would've thought the lesson would've been learned.....No. Do you know they came to the weekly Bible fellowship and gave a testimony of the incident, saying how God took care of them when they were hungry by paying their bill? That's presumption! That couple could have easily ignored them, and then they would have had to face the consequences: 1)Busting suds in the kitchen 'til closing time, or 2)Being arrested theft/nonpayment of services rendered

Brother Dupree is absolutely correct in saying that above all, focus on Jesus, be obedient to Him, and do whatever it is He commands you to do, and don't give too much attention or concern to what shady or misguided prophets/pastors say or do.

In the Black community, we have suffered for so long economically; I can see why so many innocently fall for the scams of unscrupulous ministers, thinking that God will bless them if they give more money or material goods. As Brother Dupree said, there is a strong need for a ministry that focuses on economic empowerment and education. God wants us to be wise stewards of our finances and our talents that He has blessed us with.