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Deep Waters: The Lie About Unfaithful Men

Started by Forum Administrator, May 07, 2004, 03:41:02 pm

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Forum Administrator

As far back as I can remember paying attention, I have heard that it is the nature of men to be unfaithful. I remember being taught in Bible study that "it's not the nature of a man to be faithful to one woman." A man has to sow his wild oats, they say. In a recent article I read, the "Down Low" expert was quoted as saying, "[The DL lifestyle] is a desire that you have no control over." (Jet Magazine, May 2004).

If we believe that we are created in the image of God, then we must expose this way of thinking for the lie it is. God is faithful, and if He has created man in His image, then we must believe that it is the true nature of man to be faithful. Infidelity is literally killing us, and will continue to do so as long as we continue to believe and perpetuate the lie that it is not the nature of men to be faithful.

Most of us balk at the idea that we came from and/or behave like animals, because that is not who we believe ourselves to be. Why then do we not oppose the idea that we are unable to be faithful? We are not animals: we are created in the image of God. It is said, that if you teach a man that he came from a monkey, don't blame him when he starts acting like one. How a man thinks is how he will act. If we continue to teach our boys and men that it is their nature to be unfaithful, we should not be surprised when they begin to think and act that way.

Ladies, let us not perpetuate the lie of the unfaithful man by allowing him to act out that lie with us. Let us hold our men (and ourselves) to the standard of faithfulness that God created us to uphold. A wise man once told me that "a man will often be as much of a gentleman as you require him to be." Let us do all that we can to encourage our men to live up to that standard of faithfulness that God intended.

For those men out there who are faithful--not only to your wives and families, but also, and more importantly, to the God whose image of faithfulness you represent--I applaud you! There are many faithful men out there: men who are living according to who God says they are, and who He has empowered them to be. To the others who are not faithful, I encourage you: don't believe the lie.

Aleathea Dupree is the author of Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate and the Administrator for the Deep Waters website/forum. Copyright © 2004. All Rights Reserved. For permission to reprint, please contact: administrator@deepwaters.info.

View in original format at: http://www.deepwaters.info/deeper_vol2.htm
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14