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FICO Score and Job Opportunities

Started by Novelist, August 04, 2005, 01:53:25 pm

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On today, I came across an article in career builder speaking of bad credit history hindering your job opportunities.  When reading this, I found it appalling due to the way the job market is going and how millions of people are in debt in lack of education, experience, job opportunities, and other possibilities.  I am not implying that bad credit does not correlate with how one will perform on the job, however, there is a level of fairness when it comes to giving second chances.  Everyone is not fortunate to repay their debt because maybe they were laid off, hard to find a job, lack of experience, no degree, or simply lack the confidence to get what they want.  For the FICO score to be against individuals as myself who are trying to do something, it is not fair.  Truthfully, I was irresponsible when I had all those credit cards, getting out of control, and did not realize it would harm me in the future.  Now, at the time, I was working and paying my bills on time, and I was responsible doing that.  Moreover, when I did not have a job anymore, times became rough.  For one, my job was not full time, it was part time and it was through a work study program.  I say all of this because, I wanted my bills paid.  I managed my money pretty well, but it was not good enough, especially when I became unemployed.

As time went on, my bills were accumulating.  I tried and made efforts to find another job, but it was hard.  I kept trying and trying, but no one would hire me.  It could be depressing sometimes and I know the feeling.  It seem as if some employers do not understand the hardship finances bring, even when someone as myself does not want that on our record.  I think the government and employers should not base credit scores on job opportunities because individuals as myself are not bad people, we just mismanaged our money along the way due to circumstances.  By doing this, it will cause more problems because the debt will still be there.  What good is that?  I know they have a point, but is it fair to everyone?  No, I do not agree with this.  There are people who want to clean up their credit and pay their debt, but jobs are turning away from them because of their flaws.  It shows how welcoming society can be.  I can understand there are some people who are irresponsible and they don't care about repaying.  As for me, I want to clean my record and even when all of this came about, I still had the desire to repay. 

People are struggling out there.  Living in California is expensive just like other places.  Finding a job to help you pay your bills will take more than one job, some people need two jobs to earn a decent income.  Upon reading that article, I was disturbed because I know there are people out there who want to earn a decent living and it is tough on them because when they were out there spending and mishandling their money, it finally caught up with them, but it does not mean that they do not want to repay their debt now.  Can anyone hear me?  This is going to far.  Employers should give people a chance to earn a living and get their money and debt under control.  That is just like sin, we have all sinned and fallen short, but we receive chance after chance to get it right.  Some do not get it right, but some want to get it right.  The FICO is a score based on credit and how well an individual can repay, yet it betrays an individual who wants to change for today and start making those provisions to get their debt squared away.  I hope someone is listening and could help me understand, why does this society have to be so hard on indivuals who at least want a decent living.  It is never too late.  Right now, I am beginning to manage my money and plan to pay off some debt by the end of this year and continue from here on.  I am serious about taking care of my business, but if employers are going to judge me based on a score, they have already set me up to fail.  This is not right.
