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Every Woman's Battle

Started by Shulamitegrl, April 27, 2005, 12:18:07 am

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I made mention of this book in my reply post in the sexual purity forum and Sis Dupree suggested I share a little about it.  Every Woman's Battle[/b] by Shannon Etheridge and Steven Arteburn is a woman's guide to sexual purity. Since this is a topic that's usually pertaining to men, it is a very realistic approach to what we as women encounter. It is a spin off of the men's book Every Man's Battle and they even have one for teens now.

We as women are often tempted or led astray by what we HEAR vs men who are tempted by what they SEE.  As a result, when we HEAR something that we've always wanted to hear a man say to us, it's easier for us to play out a "what if...."  scenario in our minds..."what if my husband had Bob's sense of humor...what if my fiance was more spiritual like Elder Etc..., what if i had a man who dressed sharp like Bro..."

Before you know it, you're entertaining thoughts of what if might be like if you were WITH Bro or Elder....although the book is geared mostly to marrieds, it is VERY helpful for singles who are tired of losing the battle and asking God to forgive them the same stuff over and over. It also comes with a workbook with  insightful questions and homework to help one "work out" their own 'salvation with fear and trembling.'  So if you don't mind a very straight-forward approach  with no sugar added, this book is for you.

p.s. i don't know how to download a pic of the book like Bishop did. oh well  ;D
"I want you to promise, O young women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right." Songs of Solomon 8:4