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The Act of Homosexuality -

Started by DeepBlue, April 23, 2004, 11:20:16 am

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I am a homosexual man and have been since I can remember and being conscious of myself.  Because religion/God was not a big part of my upbringing, I had no example except the ones which told me that being a homosexual wasn't just a sin, but also an embarrassment to the family, while all the time most grown ups around me were sexually promiscious.  So, I was getting a mixed message which I sorted out for myself as I got older.

I have been a believer for a very long time and accepted Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior, but have not always held fast to the doctrines of our Lord.  For this I have lead a life of sin, anguish and destruction.  And because of my disobedience God has allowed certain things and person into my life which has caused me much grief and pain.  Which of course, all of this leads me back to the place I should have never abandon - HIM (Christ).

I am posting this topic, because I know a lot of DL men who are suffering and sinning at the same time and can't seem to get a foothole.  They seem to be locked in their sins and do not realize that not only are they hurting themselves, they are also hurting their wives and the entire family unit.  The flesh and the lusting of the flesh (Satan) has a hold on them they can't seem to break.  I understand what they are going through, not because I have a wife, never have, but because of where I am now as a Christian who is a homosexual struggling with the flesh.
I always said, I would never get involved with a married man or a minister.  Well, Satan proved me wrong.  I was involved in a relationship with a minister who was married.  I thought when I met him, he would help me become a stronger Christian, but God taught me more during that relationship than he anticipated.  I learn what kind of man he was and I learn that the only thing he was interested in was himself.  His family didn't matter, God didn't matter and I certainly didn't matter.  It was painful when I realized that he did not love me as I love him and because of this, when God instructed me to let go and release him, I couldn't because the hold he (Satan) had on me was so powerful.  I suffered longer than I should have if I had lean on God more and less on my own ability.
This very man, supposedly a man of God told me he could never be my friend if he could not have a sexual relationship with me.  I was not surprise to hear this but shocked that he could be so bold and so callous as to say this.  At that very moment, God reveal to me who he really was and that he was a danger to my spiritual, mental and emotional growth.  
When I met him I started hearing rumors about his sexual escapades in the communtiy.  Rumors that he was a "nasty man" and a very promiscous man even while still living with him wife.  She of course confronted me and told me the same things.  Still I didn't listen.
For six years, I learn who he was - a liar, a deceiver and a man living under the word of God, but not living the Word of God.  It didn't dunn on me until much later, that the demons who had him bounded up, also had me bounded up as well and that whatever evilness was within him was within me.  Which now, after I look back, was the reason we fought all the time.  I was trying to maintain a spirit of honesty, love, compassion and faithfulness and he fought my efforts and accused me of infidilty.  This man came into my life and destroyed it.  Financially I am ruined and emotionally I am a mess.  But through it all, God has rescued me.  He had to decrease me, take me to the depths of hell and leave me there, so I would know who He is and what "I" had done.
So, recently, I have been approached by several friends and strangers who have revealed to me that they are DL.  I have always been aware of this behavior and there are some who take pride in being labeled "DL."  And as I told my single sister last week, it is and always has been more prevalent than thought.  Nevertheless, I immediately make sure that these brothers know there will be no sexual relationship of any  kind between us and if they wanted to talk and desired the benefit of my experience, I would be available and deal with them from a spiritual and godly point of reference.  But under no terms would I sugar coat the hell they are setting themselves up to enter.  I pray for them constantly and I tell them to pray.  They all are in the church and know God, but are so consumed by the flesh, they are abandoning Him when they most need Him because they don't think He hears their cry for deliverance.
Temptation is a most power thing.  I know this.  The mind has the ability to play terrible tricks on us and I try to maintain by dealing with temptation from my mental and spiritual self instead of my physical self because physically I lose out to Satan everytime and this is what I impart to them as well.
I need prayer, I need other Christian who are powerful warriors of the Lord to help me become stronger so that God can use me to help others.
I am attractive emotionally and mentally to people of the same sex.  I am homosexual - why, I don't know and I am accepting of the fact that this is what I am and God created me regardless, but because these desires have controlled me in the pass and have caused so much anguish. I am very aware now that this part of me has to be bounded up until I have learned how to used the Word against it more effectively.  
God blesses us with many things.  He creates us and tells us not to abuse what we are or the gifts that he has given us.  Sexuality is a wonderful and  powerful gift from God.  But it is also a much abused gift and like all things abused, the penalty is great. (HIV, STD's, Death).
  Please, feel free to respond.  At this point it is Christian viewpoints that I seek.

Forum Administrator

In a perfect world, we would all feel loved, accepted and valued and have all of our emotional and physical needs met. In a perfect world, those in positions of authority--our parents, teachers, pastors, guardians, etc.--would help us to not only get the right start in life, but would help to guide us and be examples for us in right living. But this is not a perfect world; it has been distorted by sin. All of us have been touched by sin; we are born into a sinful world with a nature that is more prone to sinful behavior than not. Unfortunately, sometimes our life experiences and relationships, particularly with those in authority over us, can leave us more vulnerable to, and easily influenced or affected by, certain kinds of sin, sexual immorality being one of them.

Homosexuality is one type of sexual immorality, but you were not born homosexual. To believe that will rob you of the hope of complete change and lead you to believe that being homosexual is "just who you are." It is not who you are, it is what you have done and that is an important distinction to make. We have all done something (Romans 3:23). When we became Christians, we asked Christ to be our Savior, to forgive us for the things we have done, and to deliver us from our sinful nature. He has done and is doing that. You are a new man now, and your old sin nature--including the homosexual nature--is passing away (2 Corinthians 5:17). The fact that you are struggling with your flesh is proof that the old nature is passing away.

Before we enter into a relationship with Christ, we are ruled by our sinful nature. Our spirit (that part of us that allows us to have relationship with God) is dead and it is easier to do the things that are not right. But even in that state, God has placed within every person a conscience: an awareness of right and wrong. But conscience alone is not enough to keep us from doing what is wrong. As a matter of fact, when a person continually ignores his/her conscience and does what is wrong, that person's conscience can be rendered ineffective (Romans 1:18-32; 1 Timothy 4:2). When we become believers, God breathes His life into our spirit and brings it back to life (Ephesians 2:1-2). Now we have the living Spirit of God within us, who not only gives us a renewed awareness of right and wrong, but gives us the power to keep from doing what is wrong. We struggle because it is our spirit that is made alive, not our flesh. The flesh is still trying to do things the old way (old nature); and the Spirt of God within us wants us, and is helping us, to do things the new way (new nature). So, our flesh and our spirit are at war with one another (Romans 7:7-25).

Sometimes, we get it backwards. We think that it is against our nature to do right. For the person who has not yet become a Christian, this is true. But, for the Christian who now has a new nature, it is not true: it is against our (new) nature to do what is wrong. And when we as Christians live our lives as though we still have the same old nature, we are going to be miserable because we will not be pleasing God whose nature we now have (Romans 8:6-8).

Each day we face and make choices about who we will turn to in order to get our needs met. We now must daily yield our bodies to right living and make it a daily practice to renew our minds (Colossians 3:1-17). That is accomplished through the reading and application of the word of God. You will live your life according to who you think you are. You are a new man now; find out who you are in Christ. His word will tell you who you are. As you discover more and more about who God says you are, and your desire to please Him increases, your struggle will decrease. When your desire to please God becomes greater than your desire to please yourself, your struggle will be over.

This does not mean that you will never be tempted: you will be tempted. But, when you are tempted by the old nature, you have the authority to remind yourself that you are not that person anymore. Temptation is only as powerful as your desire for the thing by which you are being tempted (James 1:14). God has given you the power to resist temptation and to live godly (I Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7; 2 Peter 1:3).

The good news is that as a believer, sin is no longer your master (Romans 6) and you are no longer a slave to homosexuality or any other sexual sin. Christ died so that we can be delivered from all sin, including sexual sin. Sexual sin, and all sin is a symptom of one root problem: our need for God. The key to victory is in realizing that it is God who has everything we need to satisfy our deepest longings. He is the only One who can meet all of our needs.

You asked Christ to be your Savior. Now you must daily ask Him to be your Lord: the One who is in control of your life. Let your daily prayer be as the words of the old song: Fill my cup, Lord; I lift it up, Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of heaven, feed me 'til I want no more; fill my cup, fill it up, and make me whole!"

Suggested Reading/Memorization:
Romans 6 (yes, the entire chapter)
Ephesians 2:1-10
James 4
All scriptures referenced above

We will be posting some additional information for your encouragement and we will be praying for you. You are not without help. Let others know that Deep Waters and other resources are available to them.
Post your replies to this topic or start a new topic.

Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


i honestly feel there is a difference between a homosexual, a bisexual and a man (or woman) on the dl (the downlow)

an "out"  homosexual only desires to be with those of their own gender who has protected or unprotected sex

an "out"  bisexual desires to be with both genders

a downlow person is a "closet" bisexual who has protected or unprotected sex with both genders, but lives his/her life as a "straight" person, thereby decieving their wife/husband who loves them and they put their mates lives in danger of contracting deadly diseases everytime they cheat on their mate.

first you say you are a homosexual, then you say you are a downlow person; which are you? because to me it sounds like you are a homosexual and you are not in denial about it (downlow people do not see themselves as homosexual or bisexual)

the dl issue of late has been drawn out into the open and it scares a lot of us women who seek a Yah fearing man, but there really is no way to know if a male is on the downlow or not unless you catch him in the act, which in itself can be devastating!

i do not judge; it is not my place to judge and my heart is filled with compassion and acceptance although i do not condone such behaviors, but i pray all those on the downlow would admit to their doings and stop endangering the lives of those they say they care about but really dont if they put their lives in jeopardy!


To me it is very clear that this young man understands who he is and what type of lifestyle he has lived.   All of it is the same, homo, bi, dl...... spiritually it is death, it is all the same.  Nothing from God is hidden, so although we may not see it.. it isn't in the closet.  While I agree with you that men and women should reveal their true selves to their spouse/mate....... I also believe that if that man/woman wants change and desires to be whole in Christ, then the opportunity should be given.  The gentleman stated that he had been homosexual as long as he can remember.  Also, he acknowledges that he knows that it is sin.  The sad portion is that where refuge and help should have been found, turned out to be the trail by which this lifestyle could be fortified and continued.  Unfortunately in our churches, we shun and we measure the gay, lesbian, homosexual, sin as the MAJOR BIG ONE.  While the bondage is serious, Christ came that we might have life and that more abundantly,he came to set the captive free.  He has given us POWER, and we have not exercised it, nor have we tapped into it.  So much teaching needs to go forth on deliverance and also the passion to see people free.  My prayer is that God would continue to purge this brother and comfort him and cause him to become the man that he has purposed him to be.  Jesus accepts us as we are..... then he transforms us through his blood, his love, his word and through praying for his perfect will to be done in our lives.  The bottom line is, you can come in twisted, and you will find yourself straight.  Twisted not just in the sense of the gay/lesbian lifestyle, but any lifestyle that is not yeilded to Christ.  All sin, gossipers, liars, backbiters, etc.  I say to the brother.... be encouraged, allow God to not just rescue you, but keep you, restore you and fill you with his love and cause you to desire the things that he has for your life and of course that is not another man.  I am praying for you and I hope that you know, Warriors are warring in the spirit in prayer for the liberty in Christ to come forth.  Be blessed in Jesus Name.
The earth is filled with treasures..... consider yourself a jewel...... ReeC


Hi, I just joined Deep Waters a couple of weeks ago.  

As I read this post, my heart became completely saddened.  You seem "stuck" and somewhat confused.  Yes, I agree we all have to learn to crucify the flesh but as I was reading I could not help but feel the need to tell you this.  The love that your heart longs for is only found in a relationship with Christ Jesus.  I am concerned because I sense that you have never experienced true love before.  Often times, we look for long in all the wrong places.  May I submit, that your soul will never be content if you continue in this present lifestyle.  If we want different results we must be something different.  Sir, I want to admonish in this....you are God's man, the enemy knows and he's mad about it.

It also sounds like you may need to forgive some people in your past because of the hyprocritcal lives they lived in front of you.  I honestly, think you may need to go back and forgive them and yourself.  It's difficult to advance, living in your past.  I encourage you to embrace spirit-filled believers that can hold you accountable.  It saddens my heart to know that when you turned to a minister, he lead you astray.  This is a real issue plaguing our churches and it must be deal with.  With you need my friend is relationship and not religion.  Hide the word of God in your heart that you might not sin against Him.  The Word of God is powerful/living and active and sharper than any two edges sword and piercing as far as the division of the soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12.  A daily dose of the word, along with prayer, praise and worship will transform your mind.  Your mind needs to be transformed, then and only then will you be able to approve that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Also, the word of God will purify and cleanse every corrupt way.  My brother, true relationship with the Father WILL RESULT IN CHANGE.  It has too otherwise, His word is a lie and we know that God nor His word is a lie.  

I will definitely lift you up in prayer.  God is faithful to deliver and He is able to do far more than we could even ask or think.

Lastly, fasting may help.  Fasting is a powerful tool God has given for crucifying the flesh.  Deny yourself food and watch what it does in your soul.  Also, praying in the Spirit will forfeit, empower and enrich you.  I admonish you to come into real communion and fellowship with our Heavenly Father...learn to embrace Him as friend and lover of your soul.  God loves you DeepBlue!!


God's Chosen,

Jesaira L. Glover
And now I will show you the most excellent way...love


First let me reiterate that you are not a homosexual.  You are a child of God.  As such you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You are his righteousness.  And Satan is a liar.  

You have had homosexual thoughts and feelings as you say since you can remember being conscious of yourself because the enemy knows the Word.  He ministred at His throne.  He fully understands that if you raise a child up in the way that he should go, when he grows old he will not depart from it.

Well, Satan is a mimicking, copycat, who can't do anything original.  He must distort Gods truth.  So, he attacks the things and people of God in their infancy.  He attempted to sow seeds of destruction in you from your start.  He said:  If I raise him up in me, when he grows old he will not depart from me.  Oh, but the devil is a liar. You were never his to claim.  Don't claim his lies.  You are not a homosexual.  

You are a sinner like the rest of us.  Born in sin and shapened in inquity.  But, Jesus.  But, Jesus. But, Jesus.
He came to set the captives free.  You are free.  Delivered. Redeemed.  No sin rules over you.   You resist the devil and he does flee from you.

Spirit of the living God, consider the threats of the enemy against this, your child, enable your servants, intercessor, and warriors to speak your word with great boldness.  Stretch forth your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your Holy servant Jesus the Christ.

I speak newness, transformation and regeneration.  You have been washed in the renewing of the Holy Spirit.  You have a renewed mind, new thoughts, new attitudes and new opinions.  Bless God.  You are an annointed man of God.  Now, let the redeemed of the Lord, say so.  

The Lord gave you this testimony so that all of Egypt would know that He alone is God.  

Dennis Sawyers


It's been several months since you posted your confession and concerns on this sight.  Over the months, several believers have stepped forward to offer support and encouragement to you.  Some were profound in their understanding and application of the Word of the Lord, one seemed to miss the point somewhat, but still others have reached out to you in a very heart-felt way.

Where are you now?  Has the Word of God fallen on good ground?  Have you received the H.E.L.P. (Healing, Encouragement, Love, and Power) of God to stand?

I would love to continue this dialog with you.  Jesus Christ has extended His H.E.L.P. to me to live delivered after pursuing homosexuality for 16 of my 37 years.  I've been married to an anointed, virtuous woman now for 11 years, and I give the Lord great praise that He has blessed me to be faithful in my marriage.  "With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."

For me, the matter of whether or not I was "born homosexual" never became an overwhelming issue.  The fact is, as one of the other respondents quoted, we are all born in sin and shaped in iniquity.  No matter how you are born, whether with proclivities or innate drives for one particular sin/vice or another, we are all charged to be BORN AGAIN.

Being born again, accepting the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ opens us to also embrace His omnipotence to do the impossible, to work miracles in our lives.  With His wonderful salvation, He also gives us His precious Holy Spirit, who "helps our infirmaties."  He is able to secure us and empower us to do what we cannot do without Him.  Infact, that's what grace is all about.

Without His grace, I could not have lived a life free of homosexual acts for the past almost 11 years.  But, I can do all things through Christ.

To you, DeepBlue, and to all who wonder about the Lord's power to deliver, even from "difficult things," always know that He truly can do exceeding abundantly above anything you can ask or think.  If we don't experience His power in our lives, the problem is not with God or His ability.  The problem is always with us and our willingness to submit our will to the Father with a determination to fully accept His will.

As our Lord did in His our of wrestling with His own flesh, declare today, "Not my will, but Thy will (Father God) be done."
Min. Dennis Sawyers
Author, Nevertheless, Not My Will: A Guide Through Deliverance From Homosexuality
Available at: Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Bookstore
616 Rhode Island Av., NE, Washington, DC


:) First let me say hello to you and welcome to DeepWaters.  I had and opportunity to go online this evening, because I wanted to see if anyone was actually using this site.  It has great informative lectures and knowledge that we all can use.  I want to encourage you to continue to seek Christ first in all that you do. God loves us regardless of our short comings, however, once you know him and what he requires of you, then you are held accountable for these actions.  Being a homosexual is not who you are, it is action that has
allowed you to commit an act that is not of God.  I find it difficult to comprehend this behavior, especially when someone knowingly takes on a girlfriend, or a wife, knowing you are homosexual.  Anyway,

When it comes to your sexual preference no one has the right to tell you what to do with your WIFE, but to lay with a woman, knowing u have been with a man and you lust for male companionship is selfish!

God frowns upon homosexuality, and other forms of ungodly acts. I think you need emotional healing and spiritual guidance to rid this demon of lust. Lust can take form in all our lives, in many ways, only we may act them out differently. I know many people that are "Gay" "Homosexual" "BI" "LESBIAN." I don't sit around telling them what their lifestyle should be.  Unfortunately you tried to seek help in the one place you should feel safe, and look what happened.  The house of the lord for centuries have been plague with lust and temptations, to think a minister would do this, is not such a secret today.  We all face uncertainty and challenges which cause us to lose our way.  But what is so great, is that God already paid the price for these sins, and he knows we are not perfect.  We are to seek him first in all that we say and do, that means in our actions, our emotions, our lifestyle, in relationships, our friendships, how we speak to others. A  personal relationship with God is what matters.  I feel we are wired to know what is right, and what is wrong.  It is only when we confess our sins and call upon the lord, is when he can come in and change our life. 

You have had a relationship with the lord in the past, as I understand from your comments?  So, how is it now, you don't? God is the same god yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He doesn't leave us, we stray from him.  Once you know him you always know him.  In regards to dealing with the issue at hand being "Homosexual" taking a vow to fast will give you the answers you are seeking, but that is only if you are truly ready to release this habit for good.  Fasting is a sure way to get the answers you want from the lord, because you are allowing your spirit to hear his word, provided you are reading the word during this time, while denying the flesh of any temptations of drink, food, your favorite snack, watching tv, lusting, self gratifying acts of any kind, must be set aside to get results. It CAN HELP YOU ;).  It won't be easy, so ask god to prepare you, and he will.

The God who has given his life for me, has also given his life for you, and you most certainly don't think he would want you to be in a state of confusion do you?  God is not the god of confusion.  You're making deals with the devil for your soul.  Remember no one can put you in hell. But there are tools to help us make our journey through this life.  God wants to bless you and give you the desires of your heart, and desires I don't mean: another man, Smile!  I know you must look at yourself each day and ask why me?  Because you accept it :'( You don't have to!  Making efforts to converse and reach out for answers, means you are open to listen, & move forward, thats good!

I hope that you will continue to seek out help, and continue to be uplifted, knowing that all things are possible through christ jesus which strengthens you.  While you admit it... look at all those men you speak about who don't.  On the DL. now what is that about? It called being a coward, and not feeling like you are adequate to be the man you need to be, so people make excuses, and then they don't want to admit they are also homosexual.  People have new labels for this action called "Freaky" "Bi curious" what a crock of Bull!  These types of men put good woman in danger.  Why can't they do us all a favor and not date or marry for that matter.  I don't say that people shouldn't be happy, but at what price do we all have to pay, Death!
Sounds extreme, but its the way of our world today, anything goes.

It is selflessness that should be brought into a relationship, but why put someone through such heart ache, giving them a false sense of hope. You think you have found a man of god, who's honest, trust worthy, sincere, loving person, only to be faced with men who have
either made this his lifestyle, or still satisfying his sexual illness while being married.  Placing good people in harms way, why?  This is not to blame you, but this is the effect it has on all of us.  Its not just your problem, its our problem.  Its Selfishness, and it makes me angry, because you are going to have a generation of woman who may have to be without anyone to share their lives.  When does it stop?  When do we step up and say this is not acceptable? I don't have the answers for everyone, but for me as a woman, I have a right to know who you are, give me that choice, don't take it from me.

Maybe through all this, you will be able to bring awareness and hope to young people who are faced with non traditional parenting, teen homosexuality, self love and exceptance in today's world. There are many kids facing these issue, not because they are gay, because they are consumed with videos with sex, music with sex, sex, and more sex, magazines and ads with sex, everything has a sexual undertone, peer pressure and so on.  You can't run from it. Maybe this could aid as therapy for you as well.   They have private organizations in which you can be called upon as a speaker. Even church youth groups need to talk about these issues.

As a young single woman, I would love to be a wife someday, but look what I have to look forward too!  A mess! Its really sad for single people, but even with all that is happening today, I have to trust God has someone for me.  I deserve it, and so does many other men and women out there.  But how many of us are willing to do the work to prepare ourselves to be the right mate.  It would only be foolish for me to think happiness by yourself is GREAT, Its Not!  I cannot say that all single people wish to be married, some are very content not being married.  Just like everyone's not called to be a parent.

Anyway, I hope by sharing my thoughts with you from a person who serves the lord, it will enlighten you and give you some footing to stand on what you know is right, discerning from what feels good for the moment.  Today, as I understand my relationship with the lord,
I am worth the wait, I value myself, and how God sees me. :-* :-* ::) ::) This took a while for me to learn, but I am getting there. And to look forward to sharing that with someone who's intentions are sincere, and based on God's Love will be truly something special. But until you search in your heart for that hope, and be honest with yourself, you will continue to seek out that which only gives you temporary gratification.  My friend, I wish you all the best, and pray that you are renewed with the love of the lord from this day on.

Blessings  :P


Hello Friends:

In reading each post, I'm able to glean a pervasive message...a "message" from the LORD speaking loud & strong, that "JESUS SAVES".

YES!!!...He'll show us the TRUTH about who we are...AND...to WHOM we belong:

• A child of the KING, "saved" by HIS Grace - "called" to be joint heirs of THE throne - by - that SAME Grace, "chosen" to "receive & walk in righteousness"!!!


• To resist/REBUKE lies (spirits) of the devil, that beguile/deceive "some" (maybe mo'  :o ) into re-making/re-naming our "TRUE" identity... "demonic spirits" that lie and call us "out-of-our-name"!!!...demonic-spirits that call & choose some/many to "ACT" as homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators (in mind & physical deeds)!!!

My prayer is that we all continue to "PRESS" for more than simply a "familiarity" with the "PROMISES" that GOD holds for each of us in this life...Promises of peace/contentment as the "KEEPER" and "LOVER" of our souls guides us through the storms/battles we MUST endure...Promises of healing and "true" deliverance from addictions (be they sexual in nature, chemical, etc...whatever they are), as we "earnestly" repent - continue to learn & trust in HIS (our LORD & SAVIOR's) character...in HIS POWER...in HIS INHERENT GREATNESS!!!

What force can any of us imagine (other than JESUS the CHRIST), that can be ALL IN ALL...that cannot lie nor die...that shares SALVATION freely, to ALL that earnestly seek HIM...that when "truly" surrendered to HIM, can return ANY & EVERY horrendous situation/circumstance to us...resolved in righteousness...AND...through HIS "deity", give us the gift of wisdom, of strength, seeking NEVER to return towards the wickedness of  "IT"(...that that once was)??

DeepBlue, one of the most awesome testimonies I've read on this site, was by the  brotha' who spoke a few posts back..."Brotha' Minista' - Reverend" ;) Dennis Sawyer. I don't recall the exact name of the thread but HUNEY it was sum-kinda' ANOINTED...His testimony surely came straight from his heart-to the spirit of ALL who were blessed to read it, I'm sure & transcended the topic (overcoming the spirit of homosexuality), because it gave us (regardless of who you "THINK" you are, or how great your sin) valuable gifts towards the "how" of becoming victorious, as an "Overcomer"!!!

"Overcomer" - (DeepBlue)...you'll ever be in my prayers!!![/b]  :-*


"...to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified..."            Isaiah 61:3&


Stronghold and bondage.  God help your people.

Yes, whether you are on the DL or not, homosexuality is just that homosexuality. 

So many have shared their opinions as well as wonderful encouragement.  I join those who will pray for you.

God knows the heart.  Keep pressing until you get your deliverance.  Faith without works is dead. Continue to move away from the familiar people, places and things.

God is not a man that He should like.  The very work He began in you, He will finish it to the end.

Although you may have fallen and got caught in the web, move on and faint not in well doing for if you ENDURE to the end, you shall reap.

I had a certain stronghold of masturbation.  It took a while, but I wouldn't let go of God until I got my breakthrough.  It took a while, but I give God praise.  Does that spirit try to come back to tempt me -- sure does, but I KNOW I've been delivered.  I speak it -- I confess it.  I don't watch movies or listen to music that leads to sexual feelings.

I may not be a man, but this was a struggle.  So, I know if God can do this for me, He can and is able to do this for anyone.


Be encouraged!