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What it means to wait on God.

Started by da2bjeez, February 12, 2005, 06:00:32 pm

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    What does it mean to wait on God? Thats the question I ask myself all the time. What do I do in the waiting period? How is my mind set? Waiting on God in our own strenght is hard, but waiting on God in his strength is easy. Why? Because God is sovereign, and that makes him able to keep me and you. (Hebrews 3:14 KJV)
For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;surely his is able.

   The Lord give me a vision before I posted this. I was thinking; Lord what if I'm still waiting on my husband and you decided to come. Than, :o an image pop up in my mind with the Lord coming in the clouds " Here I am" he said. I laughed because the Lord brought me back to where I should be now, and thas with my first husband "Jesus". If I'm waiting, and Jesus comes, he still kept his promise. Wow God never breaks his promise. He said he would than he would. Jesus should be our first and last, because humans will never be able to fulfill are needs. God can.  :D He is all I need, and if he does come and I'm not married thats ok. I will have a big wedding in heaven and all my brother and sisters will be there.

   I'm still learning to be content, but God is helping me. I read the word and stand on his promise. Fellowship is also a big factor in a singles life. Go out with other singles and have fun.( Psalms 9:1-2 KJV) I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Keeping me eyes on the Lord will get me through.

Please anyone have any commits or things to add please feel free. We all could use some encouragement.

Thanks your sister in christ!

(Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Waiting takes strength and patience.  How do I know?  Most of the time I am struggling to stay content.  Singleness is defined differently to everyone.  Some may think of singleness as being one, which they may interpret being alone and solo.  For others it could mean wholeness and fullness of one.  The way I think of singleness is a mixture of both because it has its advantages and disadvantages.  One of many obstacles of singleness is waiting.  Why wait? Some of us may ask.  How long will I have to wait before I date or get married?  It is unpredictable.  Writing all of this is a factor to my life because with honesty and truth, I want to at least date if I do not get married.  Oftentimes, I wonder if I would be able to have children before I hit forty and I am only 25.  Yes, I think this way!!! 

Waiting on God is essential and purposeful.  It is his timing when everything is said and done.  On the flip side, it can be a painful process because we are in the NOW instead of WAIT.  Personally, I do not like to wait; my patience is running out and I am trying to hold on.  Therefore, this is when God's strength is needed in my life.  Wait, wait, wait, is difficult to do in my book.  I am stubborn and rather have things my way.  I did not say I was 100% because I have some struggles with waiting.  I feel as if I am missing out on so much and my life is empty without someone.  Much of this has to do with my esteem and I am growing slowly but surely.  Singles, we have a life and I would like to mingle with more single men and women to find a recreational way to spend our time investing in tremendous things and of course we could still talk about dating, but simultaneously, we will have a great fellowship.  I wish everyone the best and hope that God will meet your needs as well as your deep desires.  Pray for me, let's pray for one another.




........Thank you for sharing that. Waiting can be a challenge, especially when it comes to something we want.
" Like yesterday was already behind my schedule, so I really want it now, just let it be perfect and right, and don't give me any details that will keep me from just having what I want, thank you!"  ;) ;) ;)
...At least that is how I felt sometimes, especially when it came to the subject of finding a mate.
.......Oh BOY did I have a lot to learn about myself and other people to become better prepared for the relationship that I desire. It took some tough situations in the last five years or so of my life, some crying, prayer and study to unearth some things in my life that I would prefer to be aware of.
........Habits,hurts, and tendencies that could have jeopardized a premature relationship are finding their way to God's hands from mine.

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus....
All our sins and griefs to bear.....
What a privilige to carry......
Everything to God in prayer

...I thank God for not letting some things happen on MY timing ;)

Plus, I truly enjoyed the conversation that was held at the cove on valentine's day. We touched on different things, and the forum administrator said something that I wanted to share. I saved some of the chat. At the time, we were talking about recognizing the role that a marriage partner has:

"unlike the line from that movie where the guy says "you complete me..." NOT! no man or woman can complete you: that's God's job. it's more like, "you COMPLEMENT me." and that's a good thing."

.........To me, understanding that difference helps me to keep more balanced expectations. Always more to learn, and many ways to remember good lessons. :) :) :)
......So in my waiting, my plan is to be better prepared to enjoy and protect my blessing and gift of the mate He's preparing for me. :) :) :)
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1



       Your very welcome bishopbiscuits. I also enjoyed the cove. I learned so many things from our conversation that day. I need work to on me in my waiting period. I thank God for the Forum Administrator, she is great! Life is a challenge. We must trust God through the challenge.

    It also impacted me when this was said "unlike the line from that movie where the guy says "you complete me..." NOT! no man or woman can complete you: that's God's job. it's more like, "you COMPLEMENT me." and that's a good thing." I will only complement my mate, not complete him. I thank God, its him who completes me.

     Novelist, I thank you to for responding to my post, God Bless you! My desires is to please God and him only. Novelist your so right when you said "Waiting on God is essential and purposeful" it sure is. The waiting process sometimes seems hard and nerve recking "ahhhhhhhrr". Well our God is mighty, and patience thats one thing we should inherent from our father is his patience.

God Bless

Your sister in Christ

(Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


First, to be contented at the center of your soul, you need a good night's sleep. I've been grumpy lately. It finally occurred to me only yesterday that I'm sleep deprived. Archibald Hart, in his book Adrenaline and Stress, says that you need to get nine hours of rest every night. I don't even come close, and I'm convinced that my lack of sleep has contributed generously to my grumpiness. I really worked to make my sleep better last night. I ate a light dinner, read "happy" material before I dozed off, and concentrated on relaxing my body. I slept significantly better, and this has been my best day in weeks.

Second, you need to surround yourself with a stable of close friends. Close friends play four main roles in your life: they comfort you when your life is sluggish, frustrating, or painful; they listen and help you find your way when life is confusing; they hold you accountable when you are struggling to maintain control of your impulses; and they celebrate and laugh with you all the time. Show me a person with three to five close friends of the same sex and one or two of the opposite sex and I will show you a person who is indeed well off in the social area.

Third, you need to enjoy your work. I guess I'd have to say that I don't know anybody who doesn't like what he does every day and yet is still genuinely content. Pastor Rick Warren at the Saddleback Community Church in Mission Viejo, California has just published a brilliant new book, The Purpose Driven Life. If you read his book you will be well on your way to finding your place in the work world--and in life. Dr. David Hubbard, the long-time president of Fuller Theological Seminary, used to say that your calling becomes clear with your answers to three questions: What are you really good at? What do you thoroughly enjoy doing? And what is it that you do that others tell you positively impacts their lives? Bottom line: you need to really enjoy your work to be a contented person.

Fourth, you need to be clear about your strategy for feeling really good about yourself. I determined a long time ago that all of us are fundamentally driven by an intense desire to feel consistently good about ourselves. At a young age, we adopt one or more strategies for reaching this goal. Some of us become pleasers and some of us become achievers. There are scores of these strategies. But there's only one correct one. Until you realize that your worth and value were maximized and made permanent at the moment of your conception, you will search in vain for the right strategy. It is this good news about our starting point that is at the center of the New Testament. Get in a right relationship with God and your earthbound strategies for feeling good about yourself will become superfluous. Your movement to the contented life will be grounded in the hard rock of biblical faith.

Finally, get peaceful about your death. It may well be true that our fear of death is our greatest fear of all. We may not even be conscious of how much we are harassed by it. I venture to say that most people who are content have made friends with the fact of their death, and most people who experience low levels of contentment have failed to look squarely at this inevitable event in their lives. Here's the question: Are you psychologically clear that you will die, and do you have a faith plan to deal with it? If indeed I am going to die, I want to be so woven into the One who is bigger than death that I can be certain of the continuity of my own identity.

REMEMBER:  Like Jesus, leave a person better off than You found them.

Forum Administrator

EXCELLENT response, heavenbound!

P.S. I can relate to the sleep-deprived grumpiness.  >:( ;D
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14



  I was truly blessed by that. I thank you, for your God given wisdom.

(Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Heavenbound,  You reminded me of something that we take for granted: our rest.
......I have played with mine before and nearly passed out or totally stressed out on several occassions, due to side effects of believing I could just will my body and mind to be 100%.
..........Playing with my rest made me irritable, hypersensitive at times, sluggish and hurt my concentration. Years ago, myself as a highly trusted cashier whose drawer was always right, coming up way short because I came in with a severe lack of rest, and couldn't focus the whole time on the cash handling. I didn't have it and could not explain it, and that made me feel worse.  >:( :'(
......I kept finding things to do (that did not really need to be done around my bedtime--tv, late reading, fill in the blank),  people to see (when I actually needed some "me" time), and kept pushing my limits. Had that "I don't want to miss anything" syndrome. Or not setting boundaries for my rest time.
........Sometimes it was me trying to distract myself from my hurts, fears ,and frustrations. Looking for a "pacifier" if you will. But a pacifier only works so long, then you need something more. Instead of releasing things to God, I would search the more for a better "pacifier."
..........In the end I had to begin to protect my rest. No preobligating every weekend for friends and activities. Except for special events, I keep my options open and casual plans tentative until I am close enough to the proposed time to accurately determine my personal state (I go for the day before or earlier if possible). 
............Just like kids at play sometimes, not able to recognize when it's time to come home, or the need for it. They may act like coming home is a punishment, but after they get settled, home is just fine. They'll get another opportunity tomorrow.
...........We are spirit, soul, and body. Imbalance in one can affect the others. A tricycle cannot run on two wheels; it's not designed that way.
...........Sometimes we have to do addition by subtraction. Get a little more quality and a little less quantity from our time that goes outwards. And allow for the inner needs.
..............Continuing to grow in all five areas.  Good looking out, heavenbound  :) :) :)
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1