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I'm waiting for a man, but ended up with a woman.

Started by Keeping It Real, March 23, 2004, 08:46:51 pm

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Keeping It Real

Any plans to address the issues of overcoming homosexual and lesbianism...another DEEP issue that folks are trying to get and stay delivered from.  Tired of waiting for a  man....next thing...one is in the clutches of a woman....lookin' for love...all the wrong places!  Certainly NOT the answer...BUT let's be for real...IT'S REAL!

Forum Administrator

Companionship and friendship of other women is important and necessary for every woman. We all need someone who is "like us" that we can share with and learn from; someone who understands us. It's a natural God-given desire to want to be with others who are like us. But, as is the case with every God-given desire--including our desire for intimacy--it can become distorted. When that happens, we begin to satisfy those desires in ways that God did not intend. Remember when Christ was tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4)? He had a God-given natural desire (i.e. He was hungry), and along came the devil tempting Him to satisfy that desire in a way that God did not intend for it to be satisfied. Nothing's changed. The devil's using the same old tactics with us today.

Waiting is a vulnerable state to be in because you're wanting and hoping for something that you don't have yet. Understand that from the start. Just as the devil tempted Christ when he was vulnerable--hungry, thirsty and tired--he will tempt you when you are vulnerable too. So be aware of how the enemy might come at you (2 Corinthians 2 verse 11). Some who are waiting to meet the right man might even describe themselves as hungry (for a relationship), thirsty (for friendship/companionship), and tired (of waiting). But, don't fall for the okey-doke! Recognize your vulnerability and ask God to help you not to satisfy your desire for "bread" with a "stone." Let God supply your needs--all of them--the way He wants to. The parts of you that are vulnerable to attack are the parts you have to take greater care to protect.

There comes a point in every temptation when we make a decision. We will either yield to the temptation or resist/overcome it. Nothing ever "just happens." If you think back to the last time you messed up, you will realize that there were a series of thoughts that led to a series of actions that led to your messing up. There's a difference between admiring a person and desiring a person, and the difference is what you allow to take place in your thought process. It's your thoughts that determine your actions. It may feel like the temptation began in your body, but it really began in your mind. So when you want to strengthen yourself against temptation, you have to start with the mind.  If you start with the body, you'll fall every time. If you want good things to come out of your mind, put good things into it. Scriptures are like mental armor. The mind is a spiritual thing, so protect it spiritually with the Word of God. Read it. Know it. Apply it.

Being tempted to do a thing is not the same as doing it. When the temptation comes, resist it. God has given you power to do it. And if you find it difficult to resist while staying in the "same place," do like Joseph did... RUN!

Here are some other scriptures for your consideration:
Ephesians 4:17-22
Romans 6
Ephesians 6:10-18
Psalm 119:11
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


The statement was "I'm waiting for a man, but ended up w/a woman......... let me give you something that is just as real..... I'm with a man.... and I have a woman.
YES, lesbianism is in the church at an all time high, in the name of "friendship", "best-friend", "my good-girlfriend", and the list goes on.  First of all, lesbianism is concieved in the mind most of the time well before the act actually occurs.  The thought initially may be disgusting, something that you battle w/for years, months, days...... then the interaction isn't initially sexual,  but the intimacy of the "friendship" has crossed the line, and now it becomes inordinate.  The relationship is generally just over needy, wanting too much compensation and there is an ill desire to always have to be, know and associate w/the other woman, whatever the cost.  The bedroom at this point is just a matter of time, but initially the relationship is in full effect in your mind before the sheets ever occur.  It is one of those suttle things that we say, "it just happened", "I didn't know that it was going to be like that", I didn't see it...... truth is.... that is ALL A LIE.  You see it, you deny it, you see it, you don't believe it, you see it and you play w/the thought of it, you see it and say..... never that.... I am not down like that.  In the process of all that you see, or have seen, REJECTION from who we call the Men of God has been consistent in your life.  ABUSE from who we term are men of God has been consistent in your life.  So many reasons why it is so easy to end up in the arms of an awaiting woman when so many men have been just NOT GOOD to us, for us, with us and we allow the enemy of our soul, corrupt our thinking in a pattern of MEN just don't understand me, they can't satisfy me, they are not gentle, emotional and we start not wanting to deal with the reality of the PUSH that the enemy is pushing in your spirit to GET IN THE CLOSET...... experience DEATH, then try to live the lifestyle...... back in the closet.  Confused, weary, stopped waiting on God, stopped trusting God, stopped wanting God to fix it, so the enemy fixes it for you.  Now you are emotionally tied..... mentally tied, sexually tied and you DIE.  Oh, don't be fooled there is no life in the "lifestyle"...... it breeds death, it welcomes death and there is NO PEACE... not when you have had an encounter w/Jesus Christ.  Now for those who don't feel the conviction....... your experience w/Christ has never been intimate because it is IMPOSSIBLE to have intimacy w/Christ and engage in inordinate affections and have peace....... now for those that disagree...... TRUST me when I tell you, the bible says that the TRUE WORSHIPPERS must worship me in SPIRIT and in truth, meaning that you have a relationship w/God, you have had an encounter w/Him, no longer is sin your mantle, but you press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus, so don't be fooled and don't think that because you still usher, preach, teach, sing on the choir and the praise team that you are in relationship..... you are just in service and one thing we know about being in service is your heart is not always tied to the service that you are rendering, but when you are in relationship and you serve through your gifts, talents and committment to Christ, your service is worship.  Too often, we end up in places that were not designed for our lives because we were not in place.  We stopped praying, trusting, yielding to our divine purpose.  We never looked for intimacy in Christ, and because of disappointment in relationship (man or woman) we compromise and we allow eroneous thoughts and perverted thinking to sit in our spirit and consume us.  No the church has not even tapped a little bit into the realities of this spirit that hides behind an exhorter, preacher, or just church goer..... but the truth is disobedience invites destruction and we are destroyed because of SIN.  Now is the time to step up to the plate, and not allow the enemy to soothe you for the season of deppression, dissapointment, disgust, frustration because he is coming to keep you , steal, kill and destroy.  You can't be waiting on God, waiting for a man..... ending up w/a woman.  No longer have you lended yourself to divine timing.  God knows what is best for us, He is the God that meets every need.  Truth is.... if you are abiding in Him, and He is abiding in You, all of your needs will be met.... including your husband.  Gods timing is perfect..... sometimes we move ahead of God and he allows it..... sometimes we don't wait on God and move into mess..... and God allows it..... but HE is  MIGHTY TO DELIVER, He has ALL POWER, and He can destroy the yoke of bondage that causes any woman to be content and satisfied, settling for less, when God has more...... God can do it, God will do it........ WE don't allow God to be God in our lives unless we need a bill paid, a mother or daughter healed from some deadly disease, or lost our job..... but allow God to Be who He is and that is Our strong tower!  His strength is made perfect in our weakness..... when we feel like there is nothing left to wait on, no one else to hope for... He is our peace.  Understand, that when the word declares that He won't put more on you than you are able to bear, it is because God has already equipped you for battle....... He has fortified YOU enough to handle any thing that YOU encounter.  He has equipped your mind and Your thinking to be still in HIM, so he can move in YOU.  Settling is something that we have all done at one time in our lives in one way or another... but now is not the time to SETTLE....... because with settling comes death.  God is perfect, and all that He has for YOU is too, and if you are a woman...... certainly NO WOMAN is for you........ in any capacity that is not in line w/the will of God..... and if you really trust God.... wait a little while longer and in due season.... YOUR mate, your man, your king, your right relationship will meet you!  If you are still with that woman....... LEAVE HER NOW........ too much is at stake....... YOUR SOUL and HERS.  Do it Gods way, there is NO FAILURE in HIM.  I am a witness....... ended up w/a woman, died in the process, but the LORD....... rescued me and now I am a testimony of HIS power, HIS ability and His purpose now lives in me.  Don't die, but live!
The earth is filled with treasures..... consider yourself a jewel...... ReeC