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What do I call myself?

Started by bishopbiscuits, December 12, 2004, 08:44:34 am

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..............To V, or not to V, that is the question.
 ........ I call myself a virgin, but the truth is a little more
complicated for me(?)
..........I first "knew" someone when I was about eight. She was of similar age, and it was willingly.  But the encounters ended before I turned ten.
............Not since then have I "known" someone. Nor intimate contact such as even a romantic kiss. So, I call myself a virgin because it makes more sense to others than the long story. And as far as I am concerned it is true in principle, if not mathematically.
.........After all, I know college students who were born since then!
..........Do I ever need to mention my WAY in the past past? Just call the slate clean and be done with it?
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1

Forum Administrator

There are two sides to the answer to that question (maybe more, but two is all I can think of right now ;D). There's the natural/physical side and the spiritual/principle side. Naturally/physically, if you have had sexual intercourse before, you are not a virgin. Spiritually/in principle, when you became a "man in Christ," "all things became new." In reality, however, it is not usually the physical aspect of your 'virginity' that actually becomes new (because the body/flesh is never converted) but your chastity. I say usually because I dare not rule out the "nothing is impossible with God" factor and He is able to physically recreate what has been altered. But generally speaking, the physical aspect of losing your virginity is not recouped, but your chastity is recouped the moment you become a believer. Now, what you do after that 'moment' is another story.

'Virginity' involves the physical aspect, as does celibacy. But chastity involves the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. There are a lot of virgins who are indeed celibate (having never experienced physical sexual intercourse), but they are not chaste because in their minds they have conceived most if not every imaginable sexual act, and their spirits are sexually polluted. The goal for us all should be purity of mind, spirit and body.

How about, to be 'C' and to be 'C?' For the general audience, the appropriate and ideal response might be I'm celibate and chaste. That should suffice. Save the explanation of the past "way" for the person who you intend to go down that "way" with in marriage. Really, for all the rest, the question that would solicit such an explanation is probably premature or inappropriate.  ;)
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


..Thank you very much for your response. I feel better about how to respond to what for me has been an awkward question. I am celibate. easy. Cool  8)
.......Your response in total is on the bullseye!
God bless, BB
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1