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Getting his attention!

Started by gracegirl, August 15, 2008, 02:57:02 am

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Hello my Deep Folks..but good deep,
Mine's is quick fast. I've been checking out a brotha at my church, that I've known on an acquaintance level, he's fine, he's very single, No baby mama, loves the Lord. He's PERFECT!!  Now, how do I let him know I'm interested? Just to give him the greenlight...in case he too is interested in a sistah.  I know what the word says "He that find a wife etc. etc. and If a man is interested he'll pursue you blah blah blah. But is there a such thing as "Holy" Flirting?  Can someone teach a class on that? ;D I've made some attempts via email. He responded to one.

Forum Administrator

Hi gracegirl. "Holy flirting." When you find out about that one, let me know.  ;D Sounds like you've already made your interest known with your email. What else do you know about him except that "he's fine, he's very single, no baby mama, loves the Lord?" What do you base the PERFECTion criteria on?
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


Well let me indulge a little more. The email was just one those devotional type emails that I sent to my friends including him. So it wasn't a direct email specifically to him. So I guess that email doesn't count? :-\  Um, the Perfection criteria? I don't mean in a literal sense but according to a sistahs taste in men.  I thought it was the fact that he loves the lord. Number #1. And he's single! Um okay maybe not ??? I've been observing him for a while and seems genuine. Although I don't really KNOW him that well just through passing at church and other functions outside of church. Which is why I posed the question to further find out if he's the real deal.  :)


Yeah lol, that dont count. J/k thats a great step towards opening up a window by sending him a devotional. But, I can Garantee you, that he took it as a "sisterly" thing and has no clue you are fond of him. What you need to do is this: Pursue FREINDSHIP. Dont pursue him like men pursue women, just strictly Friendship. Dont flirt. Pursue friendship. Say "hi", "how are things in your world?" anything that reflects your personality. Pursue talking to him. Dont flirt. Pursue hanging out with him as much as is apropriate. (AND NOT AT HIS HOUSE OR YOURS)- 3 WORD RULE: Public place ONLY. = ) Open up. Let him know your interested as A Freind and like him as a freind. Talk his ear off. But dont do any flirting or making any "moves". Its the freindship you are pursueing which is GREAT becuase a lot of the time guys are just really intimidated by talking to girls. Then.. if he likes you, HE will make a move. Or do the flirting. In that case, play hard to get..reject him about three times, then flirt back. BUT- before you do flirt back you must take this to the Lord. be carefull, prayerfull, and study his character to show he's worthy of you. Ok let me know how it goes! Blessings!