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How are u so sure

Started by grace, May 10, 2004, 01:39:56 pm

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Hi Mr. Dupree.  I have been reading the comments and decided I wanted to chime in.  

As someone previously said, God knows all.  He is all-knowing.  He is omniscient.  We also know that God does not lie (Numbers 23:10).  Since we know these things about the Lord, we know that whatever He tells us is true.  We know He can be trusted.  One of the reasons we can trust Him is because He knows the beginning from the end.  

If God spoke a thing, it MUST come to pass.  There is no room for loopholes with God.  If we can say that the Lord will provide "an alternative", then in essence we are saying that if things don't work out, He has an alternate plan.  It makes Him look like a cosmic being who's not sure what humans will do so He has to make up a "Plan B".

If God truly spoke to a woman and said she's going to marry a particular person, then that is so.  Period.  Despite any circumstances or situations that happen before that promise comes to pass.  When the Lord gives a promise, we step directly into the enemy's scope.  He sees that God is getting ready to bless us and he mounts his attack.  That's why I believe that all of the sudden, after some of these promises were made, other women started stepping into these men's lives.

God knows the end of a thing before it happens.  I am certain that He's not going to tell a daughter of His -- a daughter that He let His Only Son lay His life down for -- that she would marry a man she won't marry.  God isn't a trickster and He's not One to fool us.  If God truly spoke that a woman is going to marry a man, then it is done.  I don't necessarily believe that means that that man won't end up in another relationship before that marriage takes place.  As human beings we have free will.  We can choose to go right or left.  If God says "go left" and we go right, that was our choice.  And in this instance, an ungodly choice was made.  But that choice doesn't supercede God's authority or His will.  If He makes a promise, He takes into account all of the human errors that can come into being.  

He knew that Abraham would make Hagar pregnant, but He still chose to promise Abraham and Sarah Isaac BEFORE Ishmael was conceived.  Their disobedience and lack of faith didn't interrupt the plan of God.  He just waited until they got in line (as far as their faith was concerned) before He blessed them with the promise.

I think that if we receive a promise from God and it looks like it's not going to happen, then we have to go back to the original word God spoke.  If He truly said it, He must do it.  It must be performed.  Sometimes words the Lord gives us are conditional - for instance, God may say, "If you follow Me and keep Me first in your life, then I'll do _____".  If that's the case, then we have to make sure that we have followed God to the letter.  If not, we must trust God that whatever He says (although there may be a long wait involved) will happen.  

I think we also must look at the fact that maybe it wasn't God we heard.  Maybe we were influenced by a desire or a person or by the flesh.  Maybe it wasn't God we heard.  I think when it looks like the promise isn't coming to pass, we have to do some serious and honest inspection of ourselves and our motives.  I think we have to look at the confirmations and other things we received to make sure that we aren't misinterpreting things.  I think prayer and fasting during this time is crucial so that we can say with assurance, "It WAS God I heard!"

All of Christianity is based on God's promises.  If we can't trust them, then we can't trust God.  And that's not an option for me.


AMEN!!!  Bless God. I have searched my motives.  It wasn't my flesh.  I was "in love" with someone else. Now if I'm honest, God told me know from the beginning of that relationship, but I wasn't listening.  I remember if asking if I could just have him for a little while.  Help me Holy Ghost.  A year later and deeper "in love"  I wished I had ended it in the beginning when God first said so.  

For me atleast, each time I got confirmation, I was either praying for release or contemplating returning to my ex assuming that it was not God.

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There are three principles that govern my life: God cannot lie; God will not change; and God's word is true. If God makes a promise, He will bring it to pass. What causes us trouble is when we try to figure out the how or when.

When God promised Abraham a son, God knew everything that would happen in Abraham's life from the time He made the promise to Abraham until the time He fulfilled the promise... but Abraham didn't. Abraham did believe the promise, but things didn't go the way he thought they would. Some things happened in between that threw Abraham (and Sarah) for a loop. But God made the promise.

The problem for you will begin when you start to try to figure things out. How is this going to happen? This will be a question you may ask yourself, especially when things don't look or go the way you thought they would. When God makes promises, He usually does not reveal everything that will take place from the time He gives you the promise until the time He fulfills it. When God speaks, He speaks with purpose and He doesn't waste His words. He tells you what you need to know. If He has not revealed the "in between" to you, you do not need to be concerned about it.

When God began to speak to me about marriage, I could not for the life of me figure out how on earth it was going to happen. I had been separated from my then husband for a number of years, and I was in a church that taught that you shouldn't divorce, and if you did, you could not remarry. I had a dilemma... that is, as long as I tried to figure out how this promise would come to pass. God did not reveal to me who I would marry, but He did--in answer to my prayer--show me who I would marry (but at the time I did not even realize it). Because of the situation I was in, the only way I could see this promise being fulfilled was if my ex-husband died. So for a while I waited to get news of his death. I was not being spiteful; I was exercising my faith, but my faith was misguided. I was going by what I could see and what I could comprehend. Big mistake! When it comes to God's promises, that only thing we need to see is Him: not our circumstances; not who is or is not involved; not who is marrying whom; not any of that. When God gives you a promise, especially if it concerns another person, don't hold on to the person; hold on to the One who gave you the promise!

Somewhere along the way, I learned this lesson, and my life became a whole lot less complicated. All I had to do was keep my trust in the One who made me the promise in spite of my circumstances. God did fulfill His promise of marriage to me, and nothing happened the way I thought it would (thank God ;)). (If you want to know how things did happen, read my book Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate.)

Should you, while waiting for God to fulfill the promise you believe He has made to you, put your life on hold until the man you believe God has for you becomes available? Absolutely not! Here's what you should do: focus on living your life in obedience to and complete trust in Him. You focus on trusting in the Lord and not trying to figure things out. You focus on seeking the Lord's direction in ALL your ways, and He will direct your path. If while you are walking uprightly before the Lord, trusting in Him, and asking Him to direct your path you meet someone else, keep right on doing what you're doing. Keep being obedient to His (written) word. Keep trusting in Him. Keep asking Him to direct your path. If you walk towards a "door" and it opens, walk though it even if walking through it leads you to the altar (in marriage). That could be part of your in between. Stop trying to figure things out, and let God work things out in His way, and in His time.

The initial question that started this post was "How are you so sure?" I'm so sure because God cannot lie; God will not change; and God's word is true. That is why you can be so sure too.  ;)
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


Now that got to the heart of my issue.  I do (did) feel like my life was on hold until I found out the when and how.  Thank you!!  Thank you!! Thank you!!  


Ok!!! I am going to wade in a different maner than my brother David did. I am going to relate to you ladies that it happens on our side of the fence also. I thought that I was going to marry this particular lady. I had known her for awhile with no relationship ties anywhere between us. As my first marriage was breathing its last, this woman and I began talking more frequently. After one particular conversation, in which she mentioned that God had shown her who her husband was, I started haveing the strange feeling that she was talking about me. I very directly asked God if what I was thinking was true, then reveal it to me (I'll notate this statement later). Well needless to say, the next day she drops the bomb. At the time, I wasn't thinking along the lines of the possibility of the relationship being "out of order". Here was a woman that had been nothing but faithful to God. No shacking up, no men in and out of her & her childrens' lives, a powerful, powerful prayer warrior, etc. After about a month, I started feeling really heavy in my spirit. At first, I blamed it on the enemy, not realizing that it was "Daddy" putting the pressure on me. I eventually got the message and ended the relationship (which brought immediate lightness to my spirit) and was taught a valuable lesson. As I reflect back, I see everything that was wrong with the relationship and how the enemy can take a request (notation on earlier statement) and wrap it up in something that looks, smells and acts like God, but really is not. I am now preparing to get engaged. No relationship that I've ever had has been this right. Not without its scrapes and falls. Not without its failures before God, but right nonetheless. "How r u so sure?". from the first time I saw her, I recognized her as me. I had to wade through more than one, "God told me...", as well as at least one that I thought could be "her", but God truly is faithful and He helped me to just...wait until He was ready to reveal my destiny to me.


Also wanted to share without making the post way way too long,  there were several things the lord told me in advance that has not manifest yet so it definately does happen. I think the marriage issue was so up close to me because it's the one thing that we are often times made to feel some kind of way for wanting it, even though I can direct my desire to God giving them to me. And for myself I know someone else was stressing the same thing in another post, when this situation came into my life I was all eyes on growing in the lord  and yet being real with self like let's be sure this isn't flesh because it wants what it wants. As Mr. Dupree pointed out this type of thing makes the word live your desire will be for your husband so let's be sure it's God's desire not that felling of oh I need a huuusband Yet with situations coming up that could be a threat to other areas  the lord spoke over my life that had nothing to do with a man, I realized God often reveals things to us in advance not only to prepare, but also  that we will not be swayed by the voice of others.  For instance the lord showed me what ministry I'm called to and people often want to place me in opposite of what he's called me to do and I get mad like no this isn't what the lord showed me. And in that also there are things that I'm to do for that time because again having to grow in areas to be ready to minister when he calls me to do specifically what he's called me to do, and simply in the need. And I've also noticed that when the enemy does try to bring something to me that looks like it could come from God there is always something about it that's not quite right so I test it with the word as well as the promises of God over my life.  And I encourage anyone going through the same thing to do the same.

Praise God I was blessed to read this topic today :) Growth is a good ting.


Wow most of these post have answered some of my questions, except, and this is in response to Mr.Dupree.
My question is , I've been very much attracted to someone, who is a man of god, for a few years now.  He's single. We've worked together in our profession but we're still just acquaintances. We had a brief phone conversation where he had asked me how come a beautiful woman like yourself isn't seeing anyone? And I asked him the question vice versa. I felt like maybe he was hinting to me that he was attracted to me in a subliminal way. But he than said in God's time he'll meet that special someone. Which I too agreed. But at the same time I'm wondering why doesn't he just ask me out so we can at least get to know each other? Ok I know this all sounds real Junior High but can I pray that this brother is the ONE?? I saw him serving at church recently and my attraction grew stronger.  He's everything physically and spiritually that I've been  praying for in a man but I don't want to be out of God's order either. I know I need to be patient and keep God's will in focus first but now I can't get the brotha out of my head and it's driving me crazy because I see myself married to this man.  Help!!!  :-/

Forum Administrator

Hi gracegirl. Do you remember when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane? He prayed if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. That was what He wanted at that moment. But as He continued in prayer, he prayed, nevertheless, not My will, but Thy will be done. This was what He needed.

You can pray that Bro. Beautiful Server  ;) is "the one" if that is what you want. Let your request be made known to God. You should talk to God about how you feel about this person (and anything and everything else). HOWEVER make sure that you're overruling desire is nevertheless, not My will, but Thy will be done because this is what you need. When you're finished praying for what you want, pray for what God wants because He wants to give you what is best for you.

Do as Abraham did when he was called to sacrifice his son Isaac: put him on the altar. Abraham did not want to sacrifice his son: he wanted his son to be with him. But he laid him on the altar believing that if God took his son, he would give him back what he sacrificed. You see this man as your husband, but in your heart, you must "give him back" to God. Lay him "on the altar" trusting that if Bro. Beautiful Server (BBS) is not with you, God will give you someone who will better meet the need in your life and help you to fulfill God's purpose in your life (and you will be able to do the same for him).

Right now, you are seeing something about the man from an external point of view. But God knows the plan He has for your life and for his. He knows what is needed to get you where you need to be, and to keep you once you get there. If BBS is someone who God deems suitable to be a part of your life to help you fulfill your purpose, he will surely be a part of your life. If you are someone that God deems suitable to be a part of BBS' life to help him fulfill his purpose, you will surely be a part of his life.

I believe your heart is in the right place. Keep it there. As your desires match God's desires, you'll get everything you want including a beautiful server.  :)
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


Thank you! Well noted! ;) BBS has been placed on the altar!


This topic has been one that has truly hit home with me.  I was recently involved in a relationship with a man in whom I was preparing to marry.  I wanted to be married so bad that I totally ignored God when He was speaking to me.  God told me on several occasions to end the relationship, but I never did.  This particular man approached me during a time when I was deeply searching for myself.  I entered into this relationship with him because I was so desperate to have a man in my life.  This man told me that he had spoken to God about me and God told him that I was the one for him. There was one thing that was troubling about this, God never told me that this particular man was the one for me.  I accepted what this man had to tell me even though I knew that he wasn't who I needed to be with in terms of a partner for marriage.

I told this gentleman on several occasions that I was not the one for him. He would always tell me that no matter what I did, he was not leaving me.  He asked on one occasion "If I did not want to be with him, why was I still in the relationship?" I told him that I did not want to hear the reactions of my family and friends when I told them that we were no longer together.  It was a pride issue.  I was too ashamed to hear my family and so-called friends say "I told you so".  I stayed in the relationship until God finally removed me from his life.  

The purpose of a relationship is for two complete people to join together for the greater glory of God. Relationships are assignments given to us by God and are a part of His plan to enlighten us.  Those who are to meet will meet because they have the potential for a holy relationship. A holy relationship is meant to be a friendship between brothers and sisters in Christ.  God designs relationships in order for individuals to learn from one another. Relationships are tools created by God in which He brings people together that have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth.  He has already decided which individuals can learn the most from whom and He puts them together.  God did not create every relationship to be one in which would result in marriage. (It took me a while to figure this out).

God had shown me so many signs that this was not a relationship that would result in marriage.  I ignored the signs and wanted to turn what was a holy relationship into a marriage. Everyone we meet will either be our crucifer or our savior, depending on what we are to them.  I tried to make this man my savior. But I had to realize that this was something that God had His hands in.  Both of us were dealing with issues from the past that were never resolved.  This in turn caused several problems in the relationship. I guess I thought that we could complete each other.  Was I so wrong?  Neither one of us were complete.  When you have two glasses that are half full and begin to pour the contents of one of the glasses into the other, you end up with one full glass and the other is empty.

We never took the time to develop the type of friendship that God intended for us to have. We dived right into what we thought was love and began making preparations for our engagement and marriage.  We were beginning to cause more harm than good in each others lives and God finally had to intervene.   It hurt so bad when God finally stepped in and removed us from each other.  I eventually accepted God's reason for putting us two together.  God wanted to show me something about myself, I was not ready for a relationship.  I did not love myself and my love for God was not as strong as it should have been.  I did not realize until recently that I couldn't give what I did not have. I did not have love to give to this man, because I lacked love for myself.  Now I am so thankful for God removing him from my life.  He was not my husband and was never supposed to be.
