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Bad Credit Problems

Started by Novelist, July 27, 2004, 02:54:31 pm

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For at least 4 or 5 years, I have been in the same financial rut because of irresponsibility, employment and so forth.  In the past, I had my first credit card and I went crazy! Not realizing the consequences. In fact, I knew, but I had a job and at the time, I was paying on all of my bills. Now all I have spent has placed me in debt and now I have been worried and depressed from this situation.  I am accountable for what I did and yes it was out of control. Although, I have paid some of the debt in the past, my employment became unstable and now I owe even more because I have not paid in a while.  I enjoyed the credit cards, but I knew splurging was my middle name too.  I realized what my debt is, but when I had the cards,  I was working, I was paying my bills on time.  Now that I am unemployed, I cannot pay these people back and that is my setback.  God knows, deep in my heart, if I had the money along time ago, I would have paid it ALL back, but my employment is not good.  I mean, it is bad to where I do not think I will get a new car, house, just anything.

I go out and look for jobs, I email, I even go through changes at my school with the career center, but I have the heart to do what I need to do, but due to my irresponsibility in the past, my credit has taken a bad reputation for me.  With all of my heart, I want to repay and move on.  How can I stay encouraged in the midst of all of this?  I need a miracle.

David Dupree

Dear Novelist,

Your road to recovery is to first do what you are doing:  being transparent with yourself on how you arrived at your dilemma.  

The Bible admonishes us to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's.   It would really be nice to get a miracle and a fresh start.  However, until the miracle comes, you need to do what you know to do.  Yes, employment is a bit scarce for you.  But be not weary in well-doing, you will reap if you don't faint.  You were doing well with your interviews and sending out resumes so continue to do what you are doing.  

In the meantime, you can combat the credit issues by staying in control of it.  How do you do that?  Well, the bill may say pay $50, but if you don't have the $50 should you ignore the bill?  NO!  Pay what you can...even if it is only $5.  You will show the company that you are making an effort.  Spread the wealth (such as it is) around.  

The other thing that you can do is remember to give as the Lord has prospered you.  It is so easy to say that you don't have enough money to tithe.  But that is a lie from the pit of hell.  A tenth is a tenth whether it is a tenth of a dollar or of a million.  

God desires obedience.  If you are being faithful and consistent with the little, then you can expect the blessing and overflow.  If you are off track, then get back on track.  You may say that you can't tithe since you are not working.  However, that is not true.  Whether you get unemployment, disability, or other types of subsistence, you have been increased. You should tithe of your increase and watch God work.
You may say that it is such a sacrifice to tithe off of the little money that you are currently coming in contact with, but the Bible is still right, "to obey is better than sacrifice..."  To God, your obedience is far more important to Him than your sacrifice.  Put another way, why you did is more important than what you did.


I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"


Financial Hardship comes from many areas whether it was buying a house, purchasing a car, student loans, credit card debt and so forth.  My issue with finance is that I am UNEMPLOYED AND UNTIL I AM EMPLOYED, I CANNOT FULFILL MY DUTIES TO ALL THE THINGS I WOULD LIKE.  For instance, you mentioned to tithe no matter how much I have and I agree.  At my church there is so much activity and when there are activities, money is required.  I feel bad because I cannot participate as much as I would like.  In addition, I have an old car that I must keep up and truthfully, I am struggling.  I go to church, choir rehearsals, family gatherings, visit other churches, go here and there, yet my car is in need for improvement.  I do all of these things because I have commitments.  

Now, job hunting is not easy, but as you said, keep doing what I am doing.  Yes, I am communicating, networking, calling and sending my resume to places each day I awake and I know something has to come through for me.  Since, I have not been working, I have not been tithing so, do you think God will not bless me with a job because I did not pay my tithes?  I am worried about this and I know what I need to do, but my money is funny and my patience is running out!!!!  Honestly, if I had money to tithe and give, I would be a liberal giver, which I have done in the past.  I stepped out on faith before with a $100 offering and other sacrifices, but now my financial situation is different and awfully worse.  Can you give me some tips on how to maintain my sanity in this time of financial disaster?  The times are hard and I need to stay abreast on the word, but in the natural world, I have needs and desires to be met.  HELP ME.

Thank you for your words and wisdom.