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Did I hear from God or what?

Started by 1dayatatime, February 02, 2006, 10:38:38 am

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Morning All,

3 years ago, God showed me who my husband was. He showed me in my dreams this man preaching the Gospel and me the first lady. We went to business school together. Shortly after he enrolled into the school, thats when I started having dreams about him. I shared these dreams to him ( the preaching part, not the first lady part) and he said that I wasn't the first one to tell him this.  So I was like, praise God! I have truly heard from heaven! So we developed a friendship. I would witness to him, he even came to my church. I graduated before him and we said we would keep in touch. Well it was more me keeping in touch, and when I called he was always busy. He was always on his way to work. Anyways, time went by and I got a job working in my field. Well the company had a warehouse and they was in need of warehouse workers. So I called him up and hooked him up with a job. I was glad to help him out because the job he had didn't offer any benefits. During this time, we talked more, we were friends just like we was back in business school. Deep down I knew why he was my "friend" all of a sudden but I was hoping and praying it was sincere. Well, when he had both feet in the door it stopped. Just like that. For a while I didn't even know if he worked back in the warehouse or not. So I asked through the grapevine and sure nuff he was still back there. Well, I was upset because I wrote him a letter basically saying "you don't have to pretend to be my friend anymore since you got the job now".  Well that night he called me and told me that he's been, that famous word through out our so-called friendship-BUSY. But we talked for a long time and squashed everything and things were good again--for a minute. Then a mutual friend of ours, who works at Wal-mart,  told me that him and his girlfriend (oh yeah, he has a girlfriend) came in and he told her about the letter I wrote him and he and his girlfriend was laughing about it and yada, yada. Well of course I was hurt, confused, angry.  I called him several times and, of course, he's didn't answer or return my calls.

After this past Thanksgiving holidays I was fired from my job.  Thank God because I couldn't keep working at that company knowing he was back there in the warehouse avoiding me. Mentally it was a heavy toil on me. I even had a "fed-up" breakdown at church, but everybody thought I was in the "spirit". I'm trying to go on with my life. But I am so confused! I KNOW that I know with every fiber of my being that I heard from God. What gives? I don't understand. I don't understand at all. This experience has caused me to not pray, study my Bible, or anything like that. I feel someone in heaven has played a terrible mind trick on me. I know that is not true, because I know God is not the author of confusion, but that is what I feel like. Nothing adds up. Pray for me, because my spiritual life is not growing at all. In fact its getting worse. After 2 1/2 years of being cellibate, I got in contact with a ex-boyfriend, and I don't have to tell u the rest. I'm trying to vent out my frustrations the wrong way. I know I should run TO God not run FROM Him. I just feel decieved. Any advice?

Thanks in Advanced


Hi 1Day -

I am sorry that you've been hurt.

I am just a little confused, so please bear with me.

In the beginning of your email you said you had a dream that God showed you who your husband was.  Did you see his face?  Was it the face of your "friend?"

What I am hearing here, and I apologize if I am misunderstanding, is that you put an equation together and moved on it believing you had a stamp of approval from God.  It doesn't mean that God isn't going to bless you with a husband who preaches, but did it mean that it was this guy?

It seems that this brother, from the beginning, made it clear that he wasn't interested in you "that" way.  Yet, he did take hold of the opportunity your provided for him, e.g., the job.

Sister, could it be that this hurt is/was deeper than just the incident with the brother?  Is there something deeper going on within from past experiences, past rejections or hurts?

You said that you were so hurt that you couldn't or didn't pray, etc.  I believe (and I can be wrong) that God is teaching you something here.  WHAT can separate us from the love of God?  Nothing -- So, when troubles come, why do we separate?  (I have been guilty of this also.)  However, when we show Him that we are faithful over a few things; He will give us more things!  (poor paraphrase) 

I truly pray that you will be able to see the lesson AND blessing in this.  God may have well saved you some serious pain down the line.  In addition, He wants you to know how precious you are in Him, and that He confirms His word.  There won't have to be a "chase."

You are special . . . continue to seek God and grow closer to Him.  He's WORKING IT ALLLLLLL OUT just for you!  Truly He is.  His timing is PERFECT!

Bless you!


Hello Breathedonme,

Thank you for your advice. I have been rejected in my past before this. To answer your question yes, it was his face I saw in my dreams.  Remember I said I went to him about my dreams and he said I wasn't the only one who has told him this as far as him having a call on his life. I didn't tell him about how I'm going to be apart of his life but I did tell him I had dreams of him preaching the Gospel. Hopes this clarify things.


Yo - Yo - Yo... 1dayatatime,  Wassup!!!   :)

Question fa' ya':

Can you say ... ... "Trick -a- the en-a-me" ???

You shared:

Quote"...I shared these dreams to him ( the preaching part, not the first lady part) and he said that I wasn't the first one to tell him this.  So I was like, praise God! I have truly heard from heaven! So we developed a friendship. I would witness to him, he even came to my church..."

Honestly Sweet Sista', I'm inclined to agree with Sis. Breathe...with reference to her encouraging you to search "yourself"...because when "earnestly" seeking GOD's face ... guess what??? ... You will find HIM ...  100% of the time ...


An Aside:

(...please keep in mind that the operative WORD here is "EARNESTLY"...I didn't say desirously, an in...with a self - ish ... wanting, longing, craving, yearning, that "your" fleshly desires be met...e.g. "Lord I'm sooooo lonely & I'm TIRED of being this way ...I need to be loved and held - by the man of my dreams...etc."  Sound familiar ??? NO...NO...1day...the GOD that "we" serve...the GOD of our fathers...Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob... is never about your flesh...RATHER... I pray you go to HIM with a mind/spirit/body that is SILENTLY-Stilled  ... as in, you knowing you have a "pressing need", and you daring to Trust  GOD enough to WORSHIP HIM - let HIM speak into your spirit, telling YOU what it is that you need...yeah...seeking the face of GOD...Amen?


Now,  do me a FLA-A-VA' (favor)... "inhale"  & when you do...think about "your" MANTRA (an inspirational song / hymn ...e.g. something like "What God Has Me,...It Is for Me" ... NOW ...exhale (continuing to meditate on what is good / Godly within you).

Oh...One mo' ting'...

You shared:

Quote"...3 years ago, God showed me who my husband was. He showed me in my dreams this man preaching the Gospel and me the first lady..."

Let us both meditate on the TRUTH of what our SWORD of the SPIRIT says about :


For you my sista' & all ya'll susta's & brotha's  out thuurrrrrrr who swear that DA' LAWD done showed you whom you is to marry (face - n- all)...

S-T-O-P...PLEASE... S-T-O-P!!!

Hole-up...Wait - a - minute!!! ...'Til you put some J-E-S-U-S in it!!!

(anotha' manta' - song for the soul) FOFLOL...but fo'real doe'

How do you hear GOD... ???  ... is what this is about isn't "IT"...Amen?

"Cause You did share:

Quote"... I shared these dreams to him ( the preaching part, not the first lady part) and he said that I wasn't the first one to tell him this.  So I was like, praise God! I have truly heard from heaven!

Did you hear from heaven ??? UMMM...Confirmation??????????  In full/total

I think N-O-T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Particially....UMMM...perhaps ???

Check this out!!!

"...Most Christians want to receive those things that the Lord is doing that are miraculous, however some of the so called miracles of God are not coming from Him at all, but are glorifying men and not God. As Christians we cannot receive nor accept all miracles, signs and wonders just because the word "God or the Bible" is attributed as to being the source of those things.

What does GOD's WILL / HIS WORD SAY about such things??? (HMMM ??? ) :

The Bible tells us in: [/color]

1 Thessalonians 5:21
"...Prove all things; hold fast that which is good..."


Hence the reason why we must "PROVE ALL THINGS"...should be because:

"...All true Christians are in agreement that our standard is the Word of God, the Bible. God left us this Book as a reference, standard, or gauge so we could know whether something is good or evil, truth or error, right or wrong..."

II Timothy 3:16-17: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."[/color][/color]


"...Some questions we need to ask when proving things. Does the sign, miracle or wonder line up with the Word of God? Is God receiving the glory for this miracle or is a man or woman being exalted? Can you picture Christ performing this miracle? Does the miracle draw attention to Christ or to the man performing the miracle? Does this wonder cause you love and worship God more? What is the purpose for this miracle? The Lord does not perform miracles just to exhibit His power to men. He does them for specific purposes and reasons..."

...Beseeching your receiving...

"...to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified..."            Isaiah 61:3&

Forum Administrator

Hello 1dayatatime. "May grace (God's favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multipled to you in (the full personal, precise, and correct) knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." - 1 Peter 1:2 (Amplified)

Let me begin by saying, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God is incapable of being tempted by evil and He Himself tempts no one." - James 1:13 (Amplified) God is love (1 John 4:8 ). His motives are loving. He loves you and would not trick you or mislead you. He is incapable of that.

In truth I must say that I do not believe that you heard from God in this matter, and here's why: God cannot contradict Himself. He said that we should not be hooked up in relationship with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14) so it would be contrary to believe that He showed you someone who was (is?) an unbeliever with the promise/understanding that he was to be your husband. Secondly, spiritual things are interpreted/discerned/understood spiritually -- God wants you to know all the things that He has freely given to you by Him (1 Corinthians 2:12-14). God confirms his plans for us primarily through His word. Accepting the man's initial response to the preaching portion of your dream as confirmation is sign-seeking and that's a no-no (Matthew 16:4).  ;) Thirdly, a gift is given, not pursued. Revelation from God is a gift; marriage is a gift. These things need not be pursued. As Gracious pointed out, we need only pursue Him (Christ) and "all these things will be added to you." In all that you described, what did God do to bring what you believed to be His word to pass? Did He work it out for you, or did you work it out for you? When you take things into your own hands and try to work them out, you get your results. When you leave things in God's hands and let Him work things out, you get His results. God does not ask us to pursue His gifts only to believe (in Him/His word) and (be in place/position to) receive them.

So what now? Now you are hurt, confused, angry, bitter, but you do not need to be. Lay these things aside. God would/will never deceive you and whether you have taken matters into your own hands, sinned in a spirit of despair and vengefulness, or whatever, God still loves you. Come to Him now and give Him the opportunity to heal you and set you back on the right path. The Father is waiting for you to return so that He can show you His love and His compassion. He will celebrate your return (see Luke 15:11-24). All of your blessings are in Him for every good and perfect gift comes from Him so do not be misled (James 1:16-17). God has promised that "if we (freely) admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins (dismiss our lawlessness) and (continuously) cleanse us from all unrighteousness (everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action). - 1 John 1:9 (Amplified)
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14



Let me first say, I feel ya.  Been there, done that.

I remember a guy that was just a friend.  I believed God showed him to me as a future husband.  I was in a marriage where my husband was sleeping with other women... (another story).  I believed what God showed me, but there is also a such thing as moving too soon. When I got my divorce and felt that we could get married SOON, all hell broke loose between us.  I said, "Lord, I thought you put in my spirit that we would be together?..??..??"  The arguments got worse as time progressed.  I couldn't understand.  It got to the point that one day I said, "Forget it, I don't want to marry you," and walked away.  I didn't REALLY mean it at the time, but when I walked away, God had a chance to speak to me.  One of my girlfriends inadvertently handed me a poem one day that in sum said that God wanted to unite Himself with me and be alone with me, and until I did that, I would be no good for anyone.  She didn't know what I was dealing with at the time.  Yet, that poem took root in my spirit and I said, Lord, if I never see him again, ALL I WANT IS YOU!  If I cry for a month I don't care, get him out of my spirit, ALL I WANT IS YOU.  I began to go out alone to eat, movies, etc. and begin a regular fellowship with God and His Word.  As we grew closer, I realized why.  I loved God and he knew it.  He knew that I wanted ONLY what He wanted for me, but He had to take me to an alone place to speak to my heart.  Once I was there (and I mean for a while), I got to a place where junk wouldn't be accepted, unequally yoked wouldn't be accepted... My husband that I am married to knew that when I married him I WAS ALREADY COMPLETE IN HIM (GOD)!

You have to get to a place that you are complete in him, that nothing is missing because you have Him.  Yes, he knows our hearts desires, but He wants nothing to come before him or take His place. (no other Gods... in any form) I did it and my life is so enriched because of it - everyday!

Concentrate on who YOU are in HIM!  and where He wants to take you so you can be ready for what and/or who He is preparing for you for in your future.  Once you are complete in Him, your relationship with Him will guide you much smoother in life.  Be Blessed...


Hello to Everyone,

After reading the last response, I found some inspiration in what was said about God getting you to that place where you need to be complete in him, whether you do not see that person again, all you want is GOD.  In relation to all of this, I am finding myself alone and to be honest, I do not like it sometimes because I want to be social and around friends and family.  Not that I am away from family, but to be out there mingling with others is what I am referring to.  For at least a month, my best friend and I have not been in touch and that last time we were, it was brief, but it came to the point where I was tired of being a spare wheel to her and others.  Right now, I do not have friends, only associates.  Even while we were apart, I sent her text messages saying hello, but she did not return my texts and that infuriated me.  By this time, I was going crazy! I thought it was cool between us, but as time passed, I was hurt, angry, and frustrated.  Notwithstanding, I am going through changes in my life where I wanted my bestfriend to be there for me, apparently, I was wrong about that.

Hearing those words of wisdom and pebbles of life being spent with God is essential.  Going through this change in my life is tough because I want attention and when I do not receive it, it creates an inner disturbance in me.  Others may not see that in me, but it exists.  Since I have been alone, as I was driving, I would play, Kirk Franklin's CD "HERO" and " Yolanda Adam's "Alwayness" meaning that God never changes in whether, time, season, or emotion.  He remains faithful to us through all circumstances.  This song is true to me and it reminds me of his love for me.  Ladies, thank you for posting topics like this because I need it.  During my hour of depression, worry, and friendlessness, those words mean more than you know.  I am making efforts to change my attitude because I have gone through periods where I did not want to associate with anyone because of built up anger.  I go through times where I am looking at what other women may have: Boyfriend, popularity, nice looks, successful in career, and so forth.  Truthfully, I am jealous.  I go through this all the time, even with my bestfriend.  She get to stay busy with her job, her boyfriend, and her other friends and it hurts me that she does not make time to be there for me.  Ladies, it has been wonderful, I do not mean to spill over into another topic, but it relates to many issues in my life that I am striving to strip away from.  Out of all of this, it has something to do with men too and I do not see marriage happening soon because I know I am not ready.  At one point, I thought I was in love, but it turned out to be fictitious in my imagination.  Unsure of what to do, all I have is GOD.  Please respond soon.


I will make this short to give others a chance to share.

Been there...No one really likes alone places until they learn to appreciate them.  Why be frustrated and upset when God is giving you a chance to come to "know Him in the power of His resurrection and in the fellowship of His sufferings." Phil 3:10 and that after ye have suffered a while that you will be made perfect, be stablished, strengthened, and settled. 
I Peter 5:10.  You have to believe that and trust the process.

Paul said in Philippians 4:11, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."  Be content in whatever state that you are in and know that where you are is where God can speak to you.  Get close to him and listen.  Learn and know his voice.  Be content and appreciate the time alone.  Find and appreciate peace in your surroundings and in your spirit.  Believe me you will come out with vision and focus.


Also, I forgot to mention.  The Forum Administrator, Alethea Dupree, has a book out entitled, "Though the Vision Tarry:  Waiting for My Promised Mate" available via Dathea.com website.  I would recommend this book to all of you that can relate to this subject or any vision that God has shown you.  You will find it a blessing and guide.  Read it not with intellect, but with your spirit.  I did, and it blessed me beyond measure! (I believe in this book and am not prompted to recommend it)


Correction on above comment: 

For the book.       dathea.com/vision/


Hi 1day,

I remember being in a place where I was sure that I was hearing from God concerning a man.  ;) Yet, after reading the Forum Administrator's book, reading the Word, and being taught by spiritual counsel, I've learned that God would never leave my mate out of the loop. Anyman aware of his calling to God should be walking in it. If he was not walking in it, do you think he would be attentive to God's voice in other areas? Furthermore, would you want to be with a man that responded so slowly, or not at all, to the God's voice?

God is too good to me!