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the job u dont want/the calling u feel

Started by tippieangel, July 31, 2006, 12:32:22 pm

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hi guys it tippieangel :) I put this under singles issues but anyone that feels they have a true calling and where they are just ain't getting it anymore will be able to understand. I am very much a people person and a helper. I've had people tell me since I was a kid that i wear my heart on my sleve and that anyone can take it. My daddy says I 'm compassionate like my grandmother(RIP) but it drives me too hard some times. My pastor told me I have been blessesd with the spirit of compassion all my friends say i make a friend everywhere i go. So Why am i working at a place where I never meet anyone? I work in a office(no 1 ever comes in) at the front but it is KILLING my out going people personality. I was out of work for 8 months and God carried me and my sons thru WIHTOUT a doubt.44 dollars a week(which I tithed) was what we lived on.So when i didn't think i could take it anymore I got this job.Everyone was like this is it it what youve been praying for. But i just didnt feel that . But I wanted OFF welfare and back on my feet so i'm here. It's not a bad place I can read my bible and sit and think. But, I've just been thinking more and more about the things I 've been thru and how if God will just set me up I'll tell the world. My people say the see it in me but when do i move to bring well let it out? See I truley want to be a motivational speaker.Whoa I said it!!! I want to talk to young girls and women to let them know that rape abuse drugs low self esteem don't have to be all they know.I have 1st hand experience(raped @10 abused and on pills by 17) in all these but i made it by the love mercy and grace of God and i believe with everything in me that he allowed me to make it thru just to tell the story.No Longer bound!!!! ;D so as i sit in this office at this desk not being able to do anything but sit my mind gets weary and my heart gets sick.I want to quit and go to school or where ever ??? to find out how to "speak". I kept geting Jeremiah 1 when i prayed about it. Please be in prayer for me that  while i'm sitting God will be building the platform for me to stand on.I really want to make sure NO BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL EVER FEELS LIKE LESS THAN THE (Wonderfully made)FLOWER SHE TRULEY IS.EVER    any suggestions on where to start i'm open thanks

David Dupree

Hi Tippie!

Let me encourage you to REST while you have the opportunity.  Maybe this isn't the glory job that you want or the one that uses all your gifts and talents, but it is an answer to prayer to get you off welfare.  Therefore, Bloom where you are planted.  :-) 

If you have opportunity read some books that will enhance your spiritual walk.  But remember to render unto Caesar what is his.  :-) 

As a person of compassion you really need to be fortified.  Often persons of compassion will take and bear the "weight" of the man/woman they are helping.    You need to be strenghtened lest you be drained and burnt out. :-) 

Don't be in a hurry.  Your gift will make room for you.  The steps of a good/righteous man/woman are ordered by God.  I believe you are in ordered steps.  God knows your gift and the desires of your heart for school.  And He knows the gifts (your children) He has given you.  Therefore let Him work it all out.  Just stay alert, patient, but expect opportunities.

I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"


thanks I have been reading my bible more and looking different information up on the internet i even found some information on motivational speakers and i've just really been trying to use the time to learn to listen as well as i talk.Cause I can really talk.LOL ;D Well I guees i just have to wait I'm thankful that the Lord has seen fit for all my needs to be met and I got a new ride out of this boring JOB so maybe sitting is what is best for now. I was on my feet for years before here so maybe the Lord Thought i needed to rest up for his work to be completed in me. Thanks c-ya at the park ;)

Forum Administrator

Hi tippieangel. If you are in a place right now where you can meditate, pray, build yourself up spiritually, and be at work with no conflict, you are indeed blessed! Take advantage of it. All things are working together for your good.

As far as being a motivation to others, you are welcome to start here in Deep Waters  ;D by sharing your testimony in the "Reaching Out in the Deep" category. Don't worry about being "taught" to speak. You don't have to be taught to speak what you know; you just simply share your testimony from your heart. People will hear and feel and relate to your authenticity much more than flowing words and having all the i's dotted and the t's crossed.

Commit your way to the Lord and let Him establish you. Take it from someone who is the least likely to get up in front of people to speak, God will place you before the right audience and empower you to say what needs to be said. Enjoy the ride!  :)
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14