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Started by Novelist, October 11, 2004, 02:02:47 am

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After being out of the dating scene for a few years, how can I conduct myself on a regular date when it is time?  I have fear that I may not know how to act and allow my nervousness to make me look bad.  This has been a battle even when I was dating.  It seem as if I am afraid to make mistakes and look silly.  This may seem rudimentary, but it is bothering me.  When going on a casual date, basically I know how to order my food or what to wear.  However, it is converse that may cause some nervousness.  What to say?  I have not been in a relationship for so long that I lost sight on how to be a good mate and hopefully, if the next relationship has potential, I would like to feel comfortable and be genuine as much as possible.  What to do or how to get rid of the sweaty palms?

Most times, women go through the preliminaries on why they were single for so long and then here comes History, telling the story of how the storms have stricken me.  It would feel awkward because I was not use to receiving the respect I earnestly deserved so I am praying that I will be calm, comfortable, and open for conversing about important things about myself and learning about him as well.  So, tell me how can I prepare myself for the special date when it comes?


Just be yourself! Let that light that resides within you break out and shine like never before. Remember, you are a King's kid, a princess and a jewel! Oh yeah.....RELAX!!!!!!  :D


.......I would encourage you to take things one step at a time, and not let impatience or anticipation lead you away form the truth about you, the other person, or the relationship.
......Learn to be at peace with and aware of who you are.  You are a person of great value. God made us all with a variety of qualities and potentials. Let God bring out His best in you.
......I ask God to help me use my strengths wisely, and to strengthen me in areas where I am weak. I had to choose to accept that despite my faults, I am not less than anyone else. Neither do my strengths make me greater. I have to appreciate the full circle of my qualities, and seek God for understanding on how to minister to myself. Then I can show someone else how to minister to me.
.......Nobody is perfect and we are all unique, so don't put pressure on yourself to fit into the mold of someone else's possible idea of the perfect person. You cannot have any peace and security if you are always changing yourself out of an underlying fear of rejection.
......If you do make any personal changes, let them be truly about your continual growth in God and as an individual, not just to please someone else. Because if the relationship should end, would you resent the wasted effort, time and resources?
......Don't set unreasonable expectations on every encounter. We all have flawed communication at some time. Sometimes correcting or working through misunderstandings is the turning point for forging a stronger, healthier communication. Just be as true as possible in what you share.   :) We must give ourselves and others grace to make mistakes   ;D
......ONE LAST THING! I know for myself that getting to know someone is sometimes easier when the focus is not always on just yourselves. Maybe some activities or games, and other shared experiences mixed with the  one on one conversing will provide a common ground that can lead to mutual understanding.
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1