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Now You See It. Now You Don't.

Started by Forum Administrator, September 04, 2006, 02:56:25 pm

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Forum Administrator

Faith did not originate in Missouri, the "Show Me" state. Over the last few months we have been sharing about the creative power that God has given us through our words, and how we have the ability to shape our lives and circumstances through the words that we speak. We spoke about how important it is to agree with God and to say the things that He says in agreement with the blessings, benefits and promises that His Word says are ours. Have you been putting these things into practice? Have you become discouraged because you have not yet seen those things which you have been saying?

Changing the way you speak requires training and disciplining of your spirit -- the real you -- your innermost being. Many of us have spent most of our lives saying negative things and as a result we have reaped the harvest of those negative words. As we make the shift to agreeing with what God's Word says, we may be tempted to give up and resort to negative words when we don't see the positive things we are now saying coming to pass. Don't cancel out your positive confession by declaring that what you're saying (in agreement with the Word) is not working! But seeing is not believing, and faith is not based on what you see (Hebrews 11:1). If you don't believe and expect to see the things that you say, you will never see them come to fruition. Faith does not originate in the "Show Me" state. If you wait to see it to believe it, you'll never see it, and if you change what you're saying to match what you're seeing, you'll only have what you see and nothing more.

You may be thinking, I have been changing the way I speak, but I just don't believe what I'm saying. Keep saying it. As you speak, something is happening in your spirit/heart. As you keep saying it, the words you say will begin to take root in your spirit/heart and you will come to a point where you know that what you're saying is true. It will become reality in your spirit. When you know that what you're saying is true, when you speak it will not just be from your mouth, but from your spirit/heart and that is the place from which life comes. That is why we are instructed to guard and keep our spirit/heart with all vigilance, for out of it flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23).

If you've never put these things into practice, or if you got discouraged because you had not seen any results (yet), you may be wondering how you can get started or restarted. Here's how: get a promise from the Word of God that pertains to a need in your life and begin to meditate on it (see previous article "Thinking Is Not Enough" for information about biblical meditation). Start speaking that promise to yourself. Every time that need comes to mind, speak the promise. In your prayer time, instead of asking God to provide the answer to this need, pray the promise back to the Father in faith believing that God does not lie and whatever He says He will do and He will personally back up everything He's said (Numbers 23:19). He tells us to remind Him of what He has said and to plead our case (Isaiah 43:26). The only way His Word will return to Him is if you speak it and He has promised that it will not return to Him without producing results (Isaiah 55:10, 11).

Keep saying it, in spite of what you see or how you feel... keep saying it! Don't wait to see it until you believe it. Keep saying it until it takes root and you can say it from your spirit. The Holy Spirit will bear witness with your spirit when this shift has taken place and you will know that it has become reality to you. When it does, you will speak as He speaks, and you will be able to proclaim as Christ did, the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life (John 6:63) and your life and circumstances will change.

Aleathea Dupree is the author of Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate and the Founder and Administrator for the Deep Waters website/forum. Copyright © 2006. All Rights Reserved. For permission to reprint, please contact: administrator@deepwaters.info.

If you have a need and would like to change what you're saying but don't know what promise(s) of scripture you can use, send us an email at SpeakIt@deepwaters.info and we will email you back relevant scripture(s) that you can begin to meditate on.
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


I REALLY appreciate this post! I've been in a lot of transition with relocating, alone, to a new city, trying to get connected to the church God has for me, and overall just stepping out in faith to pursue the destiny God has ordained for me.

But can I be honest? This is the HARDEST thing I have ever done!  :( I miss my family SO much! I love the new city the Lord has lead  me to but I need relationships so desperately. At the same time I have so many fears that developed over the years of dealing with dishonest, opportunists, and down right evil CRAZY folks... so connecting isn't happening fast (which is probably good).

I will read this post over several times in the coming weeks because there is so much there to meditate on and get deep down in my heart.

I thank God for Deep Waters and I'll try to be more active!
"I want you to promise, O young women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right." Songs of Solomon 8:4

Forum Administrator

Hi Shulamitegrl. I'm glad this encouraged you. Please read the article on meditation: Thinking Is Not Enough. I believe that will also be a great help to you.
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14