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What Are You Saying?

Started by Forum Administrator, March 13, 2006, 11:14:28 pm

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Are you willing to say what God says concerning you?

I don't know what He says.
I'm not sure.
I don't think it makes a difference.

Forum Administrator

"What you keep hearing is what you eventually believe." This is what I heard a wise man say... and it's true. You cannot hear what is not spoken. Words--the hearing and the saying of them--are extremely powerful.

Many of us readily accept the fact that we are created in the image and likeness of God--that we are made to function as He does. However, we do not as readily grasp the reality of the creative power that God has placed in us. That reality is easy to grasp when we put it in the context of having babies, but that is not the only creative power that God has placed in us.

"And God said let there be... and there was." There is a "let there be in each of our mouths. God put it there. Another wise man said this: "When God made man, He did not make him a creation; He made him a creator." This is also true. Again, for most of us, this statement will likely bring to mind the ability to procreate, but that is not all.

According to scripture*, the power of death and life is in our words. Our words produce effects in our lives, in the lives of others, and in our circumstances. Our words either justify us or condemn us. You get what you say. There are many scriptures that refer to the use and effects of words. This brings me to a critical question that is posed to every one of us: What are you saying?

Who are you in agreement with? There's your mouth, God's mouth, and the enemy's mouth. When you speak, whose mouth are your words bearing witness with? It's safe to say that only a self-destructive person would agree with an enemy who is trying to steal from you, and to kill and to destroy you. Wouldn't you agree? Why would you say what your enemy wants you to say when you know beforehand that his intentions are to destroy you? God's intentions are to bless you, prosper you, make you well, make you whole, give you life, and many more wonderful things.

My challenge to us is that we start this very moment to agree with what God says in His Word concerning us: who we are in Him; what He says belongs to us; what He says we can and should do. Do you know it's possible for a person to speak a lie so long that he or she will start to believe it? You may know someone who is living proof of that fact. Well, the same can be said of the truth: if you speak the truth long enough, you'll start believing it. God's Word is the Truth--it is the reality. When we start believing His Word, when we speak it, it will become reality in us, for us and through us. That reality will produce effects in our lives, in the lives of others, and in our circumstances. God speaks by the word of His power. We can also speak by the Word of His power: that is a part of the creative power that He placed in us when He made us.

*Proverbs 18:24; Matthew 12:35-37; Mark 11:23
In addition to the above scripture references, here are a few more scriptures that speak of the power of our words (this is not an exhaustive list):

Proverbs 6:2; 10:11, 31-32; 12:14, 18; 13:2; 16:23, 30; Matthew 12:35-37

Do you want change in your life and relationships? The Word of God has the power to bring it about. Take a fresh look at the Word of God and as you read, have in mind the question: What should I be saying in light of what I just read? then start saying it and keep saying it. We'll discuss more about "saying it" next time.

Aleathea Dupree is the author of Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate and the Founder and Administrator for the Deep Waters website/forum. Copyright © 2006. All Rights Reserved. For permission to reprint, please contact: administrator@deepwaters.info.
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14