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What should I do?

Started by gilchristkristina, June 20, 2005, 10:25:41 am

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Hello Everyone!
I am saved and my husband got saved shortly before we married. Long before we got married, my husband told me he was not interested in a relationship. Eventually we developed one anyway. In the beginning he cheated and lied to me. I already was dealing with trust issues and have never been able to successfully maintain a relationship after someone has lied to me. With him I felt the desire to hang in there. Eventually, he got saved and joined my church. Since we've gotten married he willingly attends bible study, men's retreats, we pray together and he even enjoys special activities that our church holds. It's very hard for him to understand the importance of developing relationships with other Christians. All his friends and family indulge in activities that are against our values but, he feels the need to be "loyal" to them. He has no positive men in his life except for my uncle who is very busy and sometimes unavailable. I am already struggling with trusting him again but it's even more difficult when everyone in his life goes against everything that I say. He is a good husband and father but, I fear that his growth is being minimized by his environment. Because, he is fairly new to Christ there are a lot of things that he doesn't understand yet, like the fact that satan strategically plots and plans to take us out, often using our friends and families. I want to trust my husband and enjouy the rest of our life together. Since we've been married we have experienced an intimacy with each other and God that is indescribable but, I want him to experience that intimacy with God on his own. What to do?


Keep praying! Keep encouraging him! Practice patience! Pray that the lives of those around him would be changed because of the God and change they see in him. God has a funny way of doing things. True enough sometimes he (God) does detach us from our environment when he's taking us into a different direction but sometimes he allows us to stay connected with certain people to show them the God is us. You never know... your husband's life might be the only bible his family & friends will read. So if God can get glory from this then why detach him? Its up to your husband to be strong enough and have a spirit of discernment so that even if his friends are engaging in something that goes against you all's values he wont take part in it. 

Speaking on trust..... I think the choice to trust is left up to you. I personally think that if you don't have trust when involved in a relationship.... you don't have anything! When we choose not to trust we forfeit ourselves of a healthy, long-lasting and loving relationship/marriage because we're always worrying or wondering. If you have chosen to trust your husband and forgive him for what happened in the past then its now time for you to move forward and experience the fullness of your marriage! If you don't you'll miss out on much appreciated time that could have been spent for the betterment of your union.

These are just my thoughts. Hope it helps Sis!