Deep Waters Relationship Advice

The Net => Jump Right In => Topic started by: Gracious on May 17, 2006, 08:33:22 am

Title: Restless - Can't sleep ???
Post by: Gracious on May 17, 2006, 08:33:22 am
Hello Deep Waters Family,

During a "Midnight Musical" aka "M & M's" (...for those who may not have heard the phrase ... these musicals are usually held at or around 9:00pm. - 2:00am. in the sanctuary of a host church...There you'll find fellowship with other churches in or around the general vicinity of your home/church-home. You'll also find, POWERFUL ministry through song/HIGH praise, and on occassion there will be a POWER-HOUR, an hour of "tag-team" PRRREACHIN' - several ministers/deacons etc. to deliver the preached WORD ... AWESOME just AWESOME!!!)   

Whaaal, as I was saying, during one of these M & M's, The Holy Spirit asked me to invite & ask a certain Pastor to preach on the topic of "Restlessness" ... and she did, for a good 20 minutes...and trust me saints, those twenty minutes were a BLESSING from on-high!!!

Afterwards (a few months later), I starting doing a mental recur on that experience and thought to share a way that I use that gives my temple rest...


I don't know about ya'll, but when I'm not right inside (you know,  did or failed to do and or say something - that I either should, or shouldn't know...conscience issues ??? ), or I'm preparing to do/organize an event or something , or one of my family/freinds isn't doing so well...I can't seem to get to sleep. Try to, but...toss n turn most of the night.

My remedy? 

Well, I start reading ... newspapers, magazines, paying bills ??? Don't know about you, but those things tend to exacerbate my restlessness - they never seem to work for me.

...then it hits me ... (the 20 minute sermon I'd mentioned earlier) I open my bible and start reading...

(I'm usually annoyed by then because of the LATE hour, 'cause I know all of the stuff I need to accomplish the next day ... I NEED to get some REST/SLEEP!!!)

... anyways, I start reading my SWORD (the words at first, seem to be just words written on a page), and after a short while ... the anointing falls on me, I feel HIS presence, my eyes get heavy ... lights-off!!! and before I know it ... I'm OUT!!!
... puts me to sleep EVERY-TIME.  :-X


Sometimes I think about those restless "midnight hour" times, and I wonder ... if the reason for my restlessness has anything / EVERYTHING to do with spiritual neglect ???  Hmmmmmmmmmm...


Perhaps, GOD uses those "empty spaces" (during my slumber), to replentish my storage... Amen?

How do you find your rest?
