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My Future /Health

Started by ANewDay, August 26, 2005, 11:14:09 am

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Hello, I am a 31 year old mother of 2(boys) 1&4. Yestrday I recieved some disturbing  new from my doctor.  Since the birth of my last child I have been having mild pain on my left side.  For the first time two weeks ago it became worse , with a little pain medicine it left.  But during a follow up with my doctor  he told ,me that my uterus had dropped.  He gave me some solutions too the promblen, but suggested that if I an not finished having children I should leave it along.  I pray that this procedure will never have too take place, in the mean while if it's god's will
I will try for child # 3 in a year.  My Husband seems to be understanding but I know it hurts him too.

Forum Administrator

Hello ANewDay. I forwarded your post to a friend of mine in the medical profession. Here is her response:

QuoteSketchy info, but...
The pain can truly be caused by a 'falling uterus' which stretches/pulls the broad ligament, resulting in pain.  How FAR has the uterus dropped?  If not too far, yep, wait and finish having your babies.  If real far, can cause interference with intercourse and maintaining a safe pregnancy would be difficult.  Hysterectomy is a treatment.
I would go to an acupuncturist for treatments to strengthen the ligaments that hold the uterus up in place.  I would also go to a chiropractor for adjustments and posture/exercise help.

If you have questions or answers to her questions, please let us know and we'll forward.
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14