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Should I marry to keep from fornicating?

Started by Forum Administrator, March 13, 2004, 09:17:00 pm

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Forum Administrator

The scripture says, "it's better to marry than to burn with passion" (1 Corinthians 7:9). Does that mean that a person should get married in order to avoid having sex outside of marriage?  
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14


Marriage does not "fix" problems!  What is causing you to fall into fornication? More than likely....whatever is causing you to fornicate may just cause you to fall into adultery!  Myth...marriage solves all sexual problems.  Reality...not so!  Know why fornication is a problem....ask God to deliver you!  WHOLE people are ripe for marriage!  Do you know how many married women in particular unwillingly participate in sex for the sake of just shutting their spouse up and receive NO PLEASURE because he's too aggressive or has un-healthy appetites from previous encounters? What is that about? Unresolved issues!  I only wish I had known that before.....

But I know now! Mathematically in Christ two wholes make one!  Two halves will end up in disaster..."and now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling.." Jude 24.  Believe me...in the midst of struggling He is keeping me from falling....sometimes I slip!

To my fellow "waiters"....don't try to resolve one problem by creating another....He will come through!  ;)


Nooooooooooooooo indeed! I am not married and I know, well I think I am far from it. STILL VERY YOUNG   :) It would not be a wise nor a godly choice to marry to keep from burning, sinning, fornicating. Let's take it back to christianity 101...God knows your heart. Its that simple. If you marry for the wrong reasons He will know.

I think people have taken this scripture way out of context.... I dont believe the Lord would have any of us to marry to keep from being tempted.

To the person who feels this is what he or she should do I would say "GET YOUR MIND RIGHT"  :) keep your mind on those things above. Yes temptation always finds up but when you are focused on the things of the Lord you can send temptation back to the pits of hell where it came from.



The temptation will always be there whether you are married or not married.


Resisting temptation is not easy.  Believe me, I have and am tempted to do somethings, but I have to be strong.  Getting married to keep from fornicating will not solve the problem.  When you get married, you will have a new set of problems coming your way and guess what?  The temptations do not stop there.  It will take YOU and GOD to work this thing out.  That is between you and God.  We are all on different levels, but it depends on how strong you are and I admonish you to pray, talk with trustworthy friends and occupy yourself doing something different.  Do you have a boyfriend or dating?  I hope things will work out for you, but do not marry for that reason.  Only God can work this out for you along with your willingness to change.

Take it from me, God is still working on me and others in this area, so keep praying, keeping trying, make a change.  Because I cannot sit here and judge you when I have my own sins as well.  We all mess up, but we have to go to God and work things out.  If you want to chat sometimes, you may reply and we can share experiences.