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"You Are WORTHY!"

Started by moderndayEsther, November 09, 2009, 01:49:50 am

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You are WORTHY (For My Sisters)!

You are WORTHY!

I'll get right to it...so, as society would have it many young girls and women continue to buy into the idea that by showing off "all they mama gave 'em" somehow warrants them as beautiful, worthy=worth it, significant, specifically in the eyes of our male counterparts. So many poor girls' minds are tarnished at an early age with images of women barely clothed and the men that drool all over these same women. Unfortunately, these images translate into a message that reaks "SEX SELLS!", and if you are to be adored, beautiful, wanted, desired, and important you'd better fall in line and start to dress a little more revealing and wear clothes a little bit tighter. So, these little girls grow up and throughout their adolescent and young adult years they spend countless hours pouring over the latest fashion and hairstyle magazines in hopes to become like the women etched in the glossy pages, the women that men want, the women that seem to have it going on...no issues, no problems, and certainly no lack of male prospects! They spend every penny they earn trying to emulate what they see in videos; and some even venture to go into debt trying to uphold an image that in all reality no one really mantains, not even the women in the videos or posing in the magazines.

Yet, that is the side of the story that is often untold. No one tells these young minds that what you see in the magazines and prancing in a video isn't reality. No one tells these young hearts that none of these things at their best guarantee a man's love; yet, at their best these things will perhaps cause a man to stop and stare, may be approah you and even ask to take you out a few times, but never love you! No one bothers to tell these young girls and women that the love they seek really can't be found in any man; yet, only in the only ONE capable of loving unconditionally, without preconceived notions and uninfluenced by society's current popular fashion trend or "it" body type, skin color, hair texture, etc. This ONE is God. He is the only one capable of loving us past our perceived physical "flaws", which to Him aren't really flaws but pure works of artistry. Again, even these young girls and women sometimes find it hard to accept the love of God I believe partly because for so long they've been fed the lies that somehow and in someway who, what, and how they are just aren't good enough UNLESS they act like, look like, talk like, ARE LIKE those that society has deemed as popular, beautiful, or desirable.

No one bothers to illuminate young girls and women's minds with the truth found in Psalms chapther 139 and verse 14. Sadly, there are few even in the church that are willing to speak on these lies and exposing them as such. Instead, oftentimes we perpetuate them because of our own insecurities and lack of self-confidence because of our own lack of true realization of God's truth about who, what, and how we are.

One may ask, "why is she talking about this," and my answer to them would simply be that I've been there and don't ever want to be back there again; and I certainly don't want to see my beautiful sisters both younger and older go through the hurt and emotional damage that belief in these lies can cause. Before coming to Christ, I remember that longing to be liked, to be popular! I felt like I was several different people! I was changing who I was for everybody, just so they'd like me. I'd change the way I dressed, my hair, and even the way I talked...and all of that change was what was currently the "popular trend". And without me even really thinking about attracting guys, they were in the picture amongst these changes, which I didn't realize then, but now I see it was just what society had "promised" to me if I abided by what they said was "hip", "hot", or popular. But, these guys weren't there because of me they were there because of what I seemed to be, which was so far from who I was. To this day those friends and guys are no longer in my life, but they helped me to learn a powerful lesson years after they would exit my life. After coming to Christ, I had to face some hard realizations. The first and one that never ceases to remain is that I/We have been called with a Holy calling, I/We have been called to "come out and be ye separate". I/We no longer have to conform to this World (Romans 12:1,2).

Today, I want to say, YOU are WORTHY my sister both younger and older. You have already been loved with an everlasting love, you've already been validated, you've already been signified by God Himself. He wanted you to be with Him so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us all (John 3:16). For many of us He even pursued us for many years wanting to give us the love we had been searching aimlessly for everywhere but in Him. A girl couldn't ask for a better love!


Love your Sister-in-Christ,
"For the LORD taketh pleasure in His people: He will beautify the meek with salvation."
-Psalms 149:4

Forum Administrator

Well said! (Nice to "see" you again. :))
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Aleathea Dupree
Deep Waters Interactive Forum Administrator

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
- Proverbs 11:14




I have a niece who is of dating age (getting ready to go to college) ... thought she was ........... in luuuuv ::) with some doofus - got her heart broken & now is questioning her self-worth???

I wanna smack some sense into her before she goes to school ... BUT ... I think I'll share your AWESOME GIFT FROM HEAVEN with her instead ... Amen?

Love you & thank you & bless you sista'
"...to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified..."            Isaiah 61:3&