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No More Compromise

Started by 1EagleSky, October 06, 2006, 03:25:03 pm

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I remember, when I was in my teens, the few churches and ministries that openly ministered to youth about sex generally gave some good guidelines, such as not spending too much time together alone, observing the kinds of friends the other person had, asking their views on sexual issues and morality. Nowadays, it seems like anything goes. There is a well known Christian psychologist who some years ago, said out of his own mouth (I happened to be listening to his show the particular day he made this statement) the following about masturbation:

"There is nothing wrong with a Christian masturbating if he/she is not thinking of anything while doing it."  SAY WHAT???!!!

How does one go about achieving that? The whole objective of masturbation is to achieve sexual pleasure, with or without another person. This very much fits into the category of sexual sin, because sex is designed for fellowship, pleasure, and at some point--procreation, between a married man and woman, not between unmarried people, with yourself, or with someone else.

It is sad that even within Christian ministries and amongst individual believers, the standards have dropped so low. I was sharing with a friend several weeks ago that it was funny that there are so many admonitions to younger believers to keep themselves mentally and morally pure, but it seems like people don't have much to say to single adults who are believers, especially older single adults. The rules given to the youth should still apply to the adults. As an adult, I think it's OK that you would prefer to have a date alone rather than go on a group date. However, I feel older adults, like youth, need to especially be careful about spending time alone in a secluded area (the car, his/her apartment). Many a man who was so upright, so holy, so on fire for God have fallen by thinking they were stronger than the physical desires in them, so they made exceptions and spent time alone with that woman in his or her apartment, spent time in the car "just talking" and driving around long after the date had officially ended. After that date is over, GO HOME! Also, plan your date. I think it is dangerous to spend the whole evening asking each other, "Well, what do you want to do now?" "Uh, I don't know...what do you want to do?" Have a game plan for your date: We will do this, this, then this, and after that, I'll take you home. Also, PRAY before and after your date. This keeps you grounded and focused, and allows the Holy Spirit to "keep you on your Ps and Qs".

This whole spirit of compromise is why, I believe, we are seeing so many unequally yoked marriages within the Christian community. One person is one fire for God, the other one is pretty lax regarding church attendance, or the need to not look at or participate in things that could stir up sexual temptation. Too many of us are saying, 'Well, other than (fill in the blanks), they are a good Christian person', when we know the forecast isn't looking too good!

Let's take our faith and the Lord's commands seriously! Compromise is nothing to play with.


VERY well articulated!

Planned dates WILL keep you out of trouble. And having a few extra bodies with you when you go out doesn't hurt either.

'To thine ownself be true!"

You know you...you know that you can't handle being alone at the movies so stop going. Most often we get into trouble because we tend to ignore those things that we KNOW we have not yet been delivered from.

Abstinence is NOT deliverance. If you pour gasoline on a match, the fire will ignite!

We often wonder why our ministry and/or the things that God has placed in our hands to do is not going anywhere, or we can't see any fruit...it's because we have intellectually placed ourselves into a place where we believe that "we" can handle the enemy. Be not deceived...we can only handle the enemy in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

BE STRONG, BE VIGILANT, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. Don't Compromise your witness for God all for the sake of flesh-gratification.

...just my 2 cents.
The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you.  And that's it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it's good or evil. (Ecc. 12:13-14, Message)


Romans 12:1 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Part of our battle is spoken about in the book of


James 4

1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

........Let's face it. We are in a spiritual war. With our minds as a major battlefield. Against an enemy who plays for keeps.
..........Satan is always looking for an edge to get some leverage in our lives, so that he can steal, kill, and destroy. And in order to gain an advantage, he will try to
deceive us into accepting and possibly welcoming any "offers" he makes.
...........The obvious dangers are often the easiest to plan for.  But smaller traps can be camouflaged, and disaster decorated to the point that it seems like paradise.

.....A primary problem is that we make decisions at times without properly seeing what's at stake. Or, we are not aware of the combined effect over time of certain choices, but when brought all together, they have power.

.....When it comes to social situations and sexual desires, we all have internal battles. We all weigh through consideration what is desirable and what is acceptable or not. Properly valuing the ideas that we daily judge is an area that we must continue to grow in.
......Your will and guiding sense of purpose directs your choices based on what you know and are aware of at the time a decision is made. With respect to the battles we face, let's look at what compromise means.

To compromise means:

1. to settle a dispute by agreeing to accept less than

what was originally wanted

2. to undermine or devalue something or somebody by making


3. to expose somebody or something to danger or risk

.....We must continue to develop and strengthen our one-on-one relationships with Christ. When we see how He sees and value what He values, it changes the landscape of our hearts and minds.
.....If we allow God to teach us about ourselves, He will help reveal all places the enemy has been hiding in the camp of our desires. And reveal the truth to us, so that we can use the power and authority that God gave us.
.....If we trust God to deliver on the benefits of honoring and following Him, Satan's advertising loses it's  ability to take hold of territory within us.
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.  Hebrews 12:1