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Is Financial Curses for real?

Started by Novelist, August 30, 2004, 03:23:10 am

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For years, I have been in some financial hardships and for many years, my family has been suffering these constant hardships and I am beginning to think if my family has been cursed with financial hardship.  I mean it is so  bad to where people borrow most of the time.  For once, I would like to experience money making family members for a change.  Everyone, including myself are not rich nor poor, thank God, but is it a curse to where we have to struggle all the time?  This has been going on for years because people did not have jobs, their own houses, and enough money to go on family vacations.  It is a shame that I feel and I don't know if I should feel this way.  Sometimes, money gets low and I fall into a stress mode because of it.  It seem like struggle is all we are facing at this point.  How can I get over these hardships.  For one, everyone does not have the best job or no job in the world, so money goes on rent, bills, food, clothes, gas, and after that, we are broke.  This is a shame and it is real, but I want to know if financial curses are on my family including myself because I am in deep flames with money problems.  How can I get over this?  Is God ever going to bring us out of financial bondage?


"money goes on rent, bills, food, clothes, gas, and after that, we are broke"  Do you tithe?  Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;  then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine, Proverbs 3:9-10.  

God has given us precise instructions for financial management.  You are to pay firstfruits -- to the priest (your pastor), tithes -- for the church, 2nd tithes -- a savings for your family, a free will offering, and olms -- for the poor.  Read Numbers 18:8-24 and related referenced scripture.  

Unless you are honoring God with your wealth you are under a curse. So says the Lord. 8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse-the whole nation of you-because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

I hope this helps.  


Honestly, your answer did not meet the question, but thank you for giving me scripture.  The main point is regarding financial hardship and why does it happen other than not tithing.  For me, I am unemployed at the moment, so if I am not working, how can I be under a curse when I am not receiving any money every two weeks or a month?  When I was working, I did tithe and I made that a priority.  Now, when people make money and do not tithe and spend money on everything else, then that is a problem, but what about people who want to tithe and do not have the means to tithe?  This is what I was looking for within the answer.  Tithing takes money, just like paying rent, bills, and getting other necessities.  Hearing that convicted me because I have not been tithing because of my financial situation, but it doesn't mean that my intentions are not good.  To me, I believe God knows my heart and that if I had the money, I would tithe, but this was my concern.

David Dupree

Hi Novelist.  

  Tithing is more than just doing so when you have "money."  Tithing is a mindset.  If you are a tither then you are a tither.  People who are truly faithful tithers, tithe even when they are unemployed.  The NIV states that you bring a tithe of everything.  KJV puts it of your increase.  Most people equate the scripture to mean a tithe of your earnings, however, scripture is clear that earnings is not the only way one tithes.  The question would be what is the increase?  One can also tithe of his/her time.  One can tithe of his/her talent(s).  One can tithe from gifts (especially monetary) And the list goes on.

  Money is only a medium of exchange; meaning it stands in the stead of an actual item of exchange.  Prior to the institution of money, everything was dealt on the barter system.  Money allows exchanges to occur when one person may not have an item in which the other person is currently interested.

  A person can be under a curse if that person does not have a tithing mindset.  I hear so often, "if I had it, I would give it."  The songwriter of In Return asked "what do you have to give?"  As my men's ministry leader (Bro Cleve) says so often, "We have to move out of the book of Numbers and into the book of Acts."   It is not about what you have or don't have.  It is about your heart.  For man does look at the offering plate, er, I mean the outward appearance; but God is looking at your heart.  Ask Ananias and Sapphira.  They had the numbers, but their hearts were not right because they withheld what was right.

You have to remember the widow woman with her little mite.  What she gave was much in the sight of Jesus because of what she had to give.

So Novelist, I encourage you to not fret because you can't give the "big numbers" in the offering.  Just do what is right first instead of giving God what is left.  God will bless you because your heart is right in your giving.

Back to your other question as to why financial hardship may occur other than lack of tithing?
-Sometimes financial hardship can occur because of bad decisions made with the use of money--meaning sometimes we make our own bed and then have to lay in it.  
-Othertimes, financial hardship may occur as a method of testing your faithfulness.  It is easy to tithe when the money is flowing, but can you tithe when bills are due and the baby needs food?  As I have checked the scriptures, I haven't seen the scripture that says tithe when it is convenient and the bills are caught up.  We are commanded to bring God His portion first.  Period.  Tithing helps build faith and trust in an all-sufficient God.  You learn that the words of the songs are true..He will supply your every need.  
-Still othertimes financial hardship may occur as a method of teaching you about finances in order that you may be able to help those who will be in your sphere of influence.  
-And finally financial hardship may occur as preparation for the overflow.  How can you manage plenty if you won't be faithful over the little?  God wants us to be faithful over a few things in order that He can make us ruler over many things.
I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"