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Balancing work and romance

Started by 1EagleSky, January 03, 2007, 12:34:06 am

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Many men, especially those with high ranking jobs, or very ambitious minded entrepreneurs, often complain that women do not give relationships with them a chance, once they discover that many times, it is unavoidable for him to get out of some project or meeting at work. Obviously this leaves less time to spend developing a solid relationship.

In some cases, do you think women miss out on men who may be right for them, but because they are turned off by the hectic nature of his job or career, they don't stick around long enough to see what he may have to offer and what kind of individual he is?

Sometimes, a hectic schedule is standard territory for the particular type of career he has chosen. What creative things can be done to preserve a relationship and make the best of any free time when one partner has a very demanding job and can't "jump ship" because you want to spend more time together?

David Dupree

First of all it takes commitment on both persons in the relationship. 

But before I go further, let me say that if a woman doesn't want a man who works like that, then it is a good thing that she jumps ship early.  No sense in compromising something before you are married that you will be unwilling to endure when you are married. 

Second of all, I believe that sometimes God allows those situations where a man or woman may have demands of the job so that the other party does not end up being a booty call when the person gets free or released from job duties.  Sure some men/women fall prey to it, and don't take the way of escape!!  But that doesn't mean it isn't there.  ESCAPE!  The life you save may be your own.   :)

My experience is strongly divided between barely or unsaved brothers and then the shonenuff saved brothers.  Those unsaved or barely saved brethren are ready to find someone who will put up with their schedule and be that booty call...and do not throw out the possibility of longterm relationship. (And by all means don't fall for the okeydoke about how good you are for their spiritual growth and staying on track!)  The shonenuff saved are looking for someone to build a relationship with and not transgress God's law in the process.  (stick with this crew) 

The creative things that can be done include:

--maybe to allow for phone calls a little later than you normally may accept them.

--sacrifice on both sides..but not compromise. 

--Be willing to allow a relationship to slowly grow.  It doesn't have to be built overnight. 

--Maybe you can go to church together since hopefully that isn't a time where this person is working. 

I know this isn't exhaustive and hopefully my colleagues will add to this list or add other great info. 

But as the scripture says, don't despise the day of small beginnings.  And as the idiom says beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.   ;)  And then what is the story about the caged bird, if you let it out the cage and it doesn't come back, then it wasn't your bird anyway or something like that. hahahahaha 

But this is the bottom line:
Don't let the work issue be a cover up for a playa!!!!

I've known waters, ancient dusky waters; my soul has grown deep like the waters.  adapted from Langston Hughes poem, "I've Known Rivers"