The Deep Waters relationship advice forum was created in response to readers of the book Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate," who contacted the author, Aleathea Dupree, seeking answers to questions about their relationships. BUY NOW!
The Deep Waters relationship advice forum was created in response to readers of the book Though The Vision Tarry: Waiting For My Promised Mate," who contacted the author, Aleathea Dupree, seeking answers to questions about their relationships. BUY NOW!
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Find out what Deep Waters is all about and what makes us unique from other relationship forums.
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Every day, singles are faced with challenges and pressures that are unique to being single. Pressures from within (wants, needs, desires) and pressures from without (society, friends, family) can leave you feeling lonely, confused, frustrated and "lost out at sea." What are some of the unique pressures you face as a single person? Post your questions/comments relating to and affecting being single here.
Every day, singles are faced with challenges and pressures that are unique to being single. Pressures from within (wants, needs, desires) and pressures from without (society, friends, family) can leave you feeling lonely, confused, frustrated and "lost out at sea." What are some of the unique pressures you face as a single person? Post your questions/comments relating to and affecting being single here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, David Dupree, Theresa McFaddin, Gerard Henry, Chrystal Green Gibson
Posts: 612
Topics: 121
Last post: January 21, 2018, 09:21:42 pm An Observation by 1EagleSky
Men are made to be protectors and a stabilizing force in our society and in our relationships. Sometimes the protector feels unprotected and the stabilizer feels unsteady and vulnerable, especially in the area of relationships. What areas of your relationship(s) cause you as a man to feel shaky and vulnerable? Post your questions/comments relating to men's issues here.
Men are made to be protectors and a stabilizing force in our society and in our relationships. Sometimes the protector feels unprotected and the stabilizer feels unsteady and vulnerable, especially in the area of relationships. What areas of your relationship(s) cause you as a man to feel shaky and vulnerable? Post your questions/comments relating to men's issues here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, David Dupree, Gerard Henry
Posts: 97
Topics: 26
Last post: March 02, 2011, 10:00:17 pm Re: Getting thrown for a... by Gracious
Women are complex individuals who often lead with their emotions when it comes to relationships. While emotions are a wonderful thing, making decisions that are based primarily on emotions can sometimes cause us to be left with shattered beliefs and damaged emotions. How can we help you to make better decisions in your relationships? Post your questions/comments relating to women's issues here.
Women are complex individuals who often lead with their emotions when it comes to relationships. While emotions are a wonderful thing, making decisions that are based primarily on emotions can sometimes cause us to be left with shattered beliefs and damaged emotions. How can we help you to make better decisions in your relationships? Post your questions/comments relating to women's issues here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Vikki Johnson, Theresa McFaddin, Terri McFaddin, Sandra Mizell Chaney, La Tonia Taylor
Posts: 324
Topics: 66
Last post: October 26, 2009, 12:05:59 pm Re: Cheating Husband by imuncertain
Sexuality and sexual intimacy are gifts from God. Often, these gifts are distorted and used inappropriately causing us to struggle in the very areas that should be a blessing to us. What struggles are you encountering? Post your questions/comments relating to sexual purity and sexual identity here.
Sexuality and sexual intimacy are gifts from God. Often, these gifts are distorted and used inappropriately causing us to struggle in the very areas that should be a blessing to us. What struggles are you encountering? Post your questions/comments relating to sexual purity and sexual identity here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Gerard Henry, Monica Brown
Posts: 125
Topics: 26
Last post: November 08, 2011, 12:06:23 am Re: What's Going On? by Gracious
If you are less than a year away from marriage and less than 8 years into marriage, post your issues, concerns, and questions here.
If you are less than a year away from marriage and less than 8 years into marriage, post your issues, concerns, and questions here.
Posts: 89
Topics: 13
Last post: November 20, 2009, 01:53:21 am Re: Did I marry the wron... by Gracious
The marital relationship should be a place where you feel safe and secure. But that is not always the case. Many marriages are drifting away from where they should be, and are headed for, or are already in, treacherous waters. How secure is your marriage? Whether you are newly married or a seasoned veteran, post your questions/comments relating to your marriage here.
The marital relationship should be a place where you feel safe and secure. But that is not always the case. Many marriages are drifting away from where they should be, and are headed for, or are already in, treacherous waters. How secure is your marriage? Whether you are newly married or a seasoned veteran, post your questions/comments relating to your marriage here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, David Dupree, Patricia Ashley, Candie Price, Joel and Kathy Davisson
Posts: 160
Topics: 43
Last post: December 24, 2009, 07:01:43 am Re: Is there any hope? by devistated
We've been seeing more and more church-related issues being posted. Please post your questions/comments relating to church-related issues here.
We've been seeing more and more church-related issues being posted. Please post your questions/comments relating to church-related issues here.
Posts: 45
Topics: 10
Last post: February 26, 2009, 12:36:09 am Re: Think and Grow Rich by Gracious
Embracing your husband's call can sometimes leave you feeling isolated, alone, and abandoned. As a pastor's/minister's wife, you need a "safe place to bleed." Oftentimes, when a pastor's/minister's wife is hurting she may not be sure where to turn for support. If you are, or have been, a pastor's/minister's wife, feel free to post your questions/comments here.
Embracing your husband's call can sometimes leave you feeling isolated, alone, and abandoned. As a pastor's/minister's wife, you need a "safe place to bleed." Oftentimes, when a pastor's/minister's wife is hurting she may not be sure where to turn for support. If you are, or have been, a pastor's/minister's wife, feel free to post your questions/comments here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Chrystal Green Gibson, Ethel Belcher, Candie Price, Kimberley Yancy
Posts: 16
Topics: 3
Last post: December 15, 2006, 12:11:00 am Re: Twenty-eight years by Forum Administrator
Whether you have been abused or you are the abuser, abuse is a destructive cycle that is repeated if intervention is not sought. Many abused people follow a pattern of behavior that causes them to get involved in one abusive relationship after another. We want to help you break that abusive pattern. Post your questions/comments relating to issues of abuse here.
Whether you have been abused or you are the abuser, abuse is a destructive cycle that is repeated if intervention is not sought. Many abused people follow a pattern of behavior that causes them to get involved in one abusive relationship after another. We want to help you break that abusive pattern. Post your questions/comments relating to issues of abuse here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Artina Todd-Norris, Kecia Sims, Sandra Mizell Chaney
Posts: 44
Topics: 11
Last post: August 08, 2008, 01:07:32 pm Re: What is forgiveness? by wisdancage
There's nothing as painful as a marriage that hasn't turned out the way you had expected. People marry expecting the better, but what happens when the worse happens? Whether the heart in your marriage has stopped beating, or your marriage is drowning and gasping for air, we want to help you to gather your resources and strength right where you are and move forward. Post your questions that deal with the issues of separation, divorce and remarriage here.
There's nothing as painful as a marriage that hasn't turned out the way you had expected. People marry expecting the better, but what happens when the worse happens? Whether the heart in your marriage has stopped beating, or your marriage is drowning and gasping for air, we want to help you to gather your resources and strength right where you are and move forward. Post your questions that deal with the issues of separation, divorce and remarriage here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Artina Todd-Norris
Posts: 39
Topics: 10
Last post: January 27, 2013, 05:27:38 pm Re: please help by biscuit
There are issues that affect us whether we are male or female, and regardless of marital status. Issues such as uncontrolled or unresolved anger, jealousy, insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of trust, unforgiveness, depression—to name a few—will adversely affect our relationships if left unaddressed. Post your questions/comments about life issues that are affecting your relationships here.
There are issues that affect us whether we are male or female, and regardless of marital status. Issues such as uncontrolled or unresolved anger, jealousy, insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of trust, unforgiveness, depression—to name a few—will adversely affect our relationships if left unaddressed. Post your questions/comments about life issues that are affecting your relationships here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, Bridgette Chase, Terri McFaddin, Sandra Mizell Chaney, La Tonia Taylor
Posts: 232
Topics: 52
Last post: April 18, 2010, 07:55:44 pm Re: Confused by Gracious
Finances play an important part of pre- and post-marital relationships. The way finances are managed or mismanaged can help to make or break a relationship. Post your questions/comments relating to financial issues here.
Finances play an important part of pre- and post-marital relationships. The way finances are managed or mismanaged can help to make or break a relationship. Post your questions/comments relating to financial issues here.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, David Dupree
Posts: 51
Topics: 17
Last post: June 18, 2009, 02:50:36 pm Beyond Stuck to Making P... by 1EagleSky
If you are willing to be transparent, others will be able to see through you to the other side of their struggle. If God has brought you out of the stormy deep in your relationship, reach back and help to pull someone else through the storm. Share your testimony.
If you are willing to be transparent, others will be able to see through you to the other side of their struggle. If God has brought you out of the stormy deep in your relationship, reach back and help to pull someone else through the storm. Share your testimony.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 36
Topics: 13
Last post: March 19, 2009, 05:16:01 pm A Note to Ladies Never M... by Forum Administrator
Straight talk on hot issues.
Straight talk on hot issues.
Posts: 35
Topics: 5
Last post: July 23, 2013, 02:11:30 pm Re: I AM TRAYVON MARTIN... by Gracious
Here's your chance to voice your opinions, and share information that may be beneficial to those who visit Deep Waters. Feel free to let us know what you think about...
Here's your chance to voice your opinions, and share information that may be beneficial to those who visit Deep Waters. Feel free to let us know what you think about...
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 100
Topics: 31
Last post: November 25, 2013, 03:38:43 pm Re: Ordering info. for T... by Deep Waters Support Team
Check here for important information that can help you regardless of what phase of relationship you are in. If something you read here triggers a question/comment, please post it in one of the above "Deep Waters Diving Board" categories.
Check here for important information that can help you regardless of what phase of relationship you are in. If something you read here triggers a question/comment, please post it in one of the above "Deep Waters Diving Board" categories.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 81
Topics: 63
Last post: January 20, 2011, 01:20:31 pm MY REFLECTION ... by Gracious
Our relationship with the Lord is the primary relationship that affects all other relationships. Walking on Water is a series designed to focus on clarifying who you are in Christ and strengthening your relationship with Him and consequently your relationship with others and yourself.
Our relationship with the Lord is the primary relationship that affects all other relationships. Walking on Water is a series designed to focus on clarifying who you are in Christ and strengthening your relationship with Him and consequently your relationship with others and yourself.
Posts: 51
Topics: 17
Last post: August 23, 2009, 08:50:59 am Nobody Wins By Accident.... by Gracious
Accept the challenge to change and transform the inner you.
Accept the challenge to change and transform the inner you.
Posts: 17
Topics: 6
Last post: May 09, 2008, 12:30:02 am Mom's Hands by Gracious
Christian counseling referral network.
Christian counseling referral network.
Posts: 2
Topics: 2
Last post: October 25, 2006, 12:11:37 am MOVED: A Word From God by Deep Waters Support Team
Check for job and ministry opportunities here. If you know of any, feel free to post the details here.
Check for job and ministry opportunities here. If you know of any, feel free to post the details here.
Posts: 20
Topics: 20
Last post: August 21, 2007, 01:17:56 pm Math/Science Teacher - T... by Forum Administrator
If you have a general question that is weighing you down, please post it here.
If you have a general question that is weighing you down, please post it here.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 80
Topics: 23
Last post: May 22, 2008, 06:08:43 pm Re: God Energy Movement by Gracious
Catch the latest news about our site here.
Catch the latest news about our site here.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 11
Topics: 11
Last post: January 01, 2009, 09:56:05 pm Your 2009 by David Dupree
Check here for events that support the needs and interests of forum participants. If you would like to have an event posted, please forward event information via personal message to the Deep Waters Support Team.
Check here for events that support the needs and interests of forum participants. If you would like to have an event posted, please forward event information via personal message to the Deep Waters Support Team.
Posts: 122
Topics: 111
Last post: April 20, 2018, 11:56:53 pm Re: Should we make a res... by Forum Administrator
Anything light, humorous and CLEAN, post here.
Anything light, humorous and CLEAN, post here.
Posts: 2
Topics: 2
Last post: January 27, 2007, 09:42:49 am Well done -not scrambled... by bishopbiscuits
Share the resources that have been a blessing and inspiration in your life (books, tapes, videos, websites, ministries, etc.). Where appropriate, please include title, author, location, and how it helped, blessed and/or inspired you.
Share the resources that have been a blessing and inspiration in your life (books, tapes, videos, websites, ministries, etc.). Where appropriate, please include title, author, location, and how it helped, blessed and/or inspired you.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 22
Topics: 13
Last post: August 21, 2008, 01:36:37 pm New Life’s Christian Tre... by Forum Administrator
Sometimes in our most difficult times it is music that God uses to minister to us. Share the music that has ministered to you with someone else who may need to hear an encouraging sound in the deep.
Sometimes in our most difficult times it is music that God uses to minister to us. Share the music that has ministered to you with someone else who may need to hear an encouraging sound in the deep.
Posts: 28
Topics: 9
Last post: October 31, 2007, 06:55:44 pm Fred Hammond by Daddys_Girl
Please let us know what you think about Deep Waters (praise, suggestions, comments). We are here for you, and we need your input to make this the best forum possible.
Please let us know what you think about Deep Waters (praise, suggestions, comments). We are here for you, and we need your input to make this the best forum possible.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 29
Topics: 14
Last post: October 24, 2008, 02:24:33 am Re: Illness by Gracious
Please let us know if you run into any problems since the upgrade.
Please let us know if you run into any problems since the upgrade.
Posts: 3
Topics: 2
Last post: June 13, 2005, 11:31:49 am Re: The word thingy by Forum Administrator
Discussion/feedback for CHEER UP YOUR WIFE: Biblical Advice for the Newlywed and Nearly Dead
Discussion/feedback for CHEER UP YOUR WIFE: Biblical Advice for the Newlywed and Nearly Dead
Posts: 5
Topics: 2
Last post: June 22, 2010, 11:17:16 pm Re: Zipporah's sisters by Forum Administrator
Please check here to see an index of questions that we did not get a chance to address at the last Girl Talk session.
Please check here to see an index of questions that we did not get a chance to address at the last Girl Talk session.
Moderators: Forum Administrator, David Dupree, Vikki Johnson, Veda McCoy, Michael Lindsey, Derek Triplett
Posts: 11
Topics: 4
Last post: June 12, 2007, 09:07:08 pm Re: Confront it or let i... by Forum Administrator
Check out these special offers for Deep Waters participants and visitors.
Check out these special offers for Deep Waters participants and visitors.
Moderator: Forum Administrator
Posts: 9
Topics: 9
Last post: December 27, 2006, 10:59:35 am For Better Or For Worse by Forum Administrator
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